view odfcast/ @ 18:585904e7411a

Add html for converting a odf with a template
author Björn Ricks <>
date Mon, 29 Sep 2014 14:18:11 +0200
parents f4920ab1d27c
children 2f627039d2b4
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import tempfile

from flask import request, Response, json, render_template
from flask.views import MethodView

from py3o.template import Template

ALLOWED_FORMATS = ["pdf", "doc", "docx", "odt"]

    "odt": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text",
    "doc": "application/msword",
    "docx": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument"
    "pdf": "application/pdf",

DEFAULT_MIMETYPE = "application/octet-stream"

class ConvertView(MethodView):

    def __init__(self, pyuno_driver_name="", hostname="localhost", port=2001):
        driver_module = self._load_driver_module(pyuno_driver_name)
        self.convertor = driver_module.Convertor(hostname, port)

    def _load_driver_module(self, pyuno_driver_name):
        return __import__(pyuno_driver_name, globals(), locals(),

    def is_format_supported(self, fformat):
        return fformat and fformat.lower() in ALLOWED_FORMATS

    def post(self):
        ffile = request.files['file']
        fformat = request.form['format']

        if not self.is_format_supported(fformat):
            return "Format %s not allowed" % fformat, 401

        infile = self.save_form_file(ffile)
        outfile = self.convert(infile, fformat)
        mimetype = self.get_mimetype_for_format(fformat)
        return Response(outfile, mimetype=mimetype)

    def get(self):
        return render_template("convert.html")

    def save_form_file(self, infile):
        outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        return outfile

    def convert(self, infile, fformat):
        outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

        self.convertor.convert(,, fformat)

        return outfile

    def get_mimetype_for_format(self, fformat):
        return MIMETYPES.get(fformat, DEFAULT_MIMETYPE)

class TemplateConvertView(ConvertView):

    def post(self):
        ffile = request.files['file']
        fformat = request.form['format']
        datadict = self.get_datadict()

        if not self.is_format_supported(fformat):
            return "Format %s not allowed" % fformat, 401

        tfile = self.save_form_file(ffile)
        outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        t = Template(tfile,

        if fformat != "odt":
            outfile = self.convert(outfile, fformat)

        mimetype = self.get_mimetype_for_format(fformat)
        return Response(outfile, mimetype=mimetype)

    def get_datadict(self):
        vars = request.form['datadict']
        return json.loads(vars)

    def get(self):
        return render_template("template_convert.html")
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