andre@0: /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
andre@0:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2)
andre@0:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
andre@0:  * See LICENSE.txt for details.
andre@0:  */
andre@0: #ifndef COMMON_UTIL_H
andre@0: #define COMMON_UTIL_H
andre@0: /* @file util.h
andre@0:  * @brief The usual useful stuff that fit nowhere else
andre@0:  */
andre@0: #include <stdbool.h>
andre@0: #ifdef __cplusplus
andre@0: extern "C" {
andre@0: #endif
andre@0: /**@brief Get the directory in which the current process resides in
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * Look up the directory in which the current process is placed.
andre@0:  * If the path is longer then MAX_PATH NULL is returned.
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * Returns a utf-8 encoded string that has to be freed by the caller
andre@0:  * on linux the path is returned as is including the last /.
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * @returns The directory of the current process
andre@0:  */
andre@0: char * get_install_dir();
andre@0: #ifndef WIN32
andre@0: /**@def Some value to use as equivalent as MAX_PATH on windows */
andre@0: #define MAX_PATH_LINUX 4000
andre@0: /**@brief Get the directory in which the process proc resides in
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * Look up the directory in which the process proc is placed.
andre@0:  * If the path is longer then MAX_PATH NULL is returned.
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * Returns a utf-8 encoded string that has to be freed by the caller
andre@0:  * on linux the path is returned as is including the last /.
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * @param[in] A process id or special name from the proc file system.
andre@0:  *
andre@0:  * @returns The directory of the process
andre@0:  */
andre@0: char * get_proc_install_dir(const char *proc);
andre@0: #endif
andre@0: #ifdef __cplusplus
andre@0: }
andre@0: #endif
andre@0: #endif // COMMON_UTIL_H