mschieder@36: == Show total of issues, including those without priority mschieder@36: (20180709ber) mschieder@36: examples/ shows how to collect all issues, mschieder@36: even those without priority, the display part should be completed. mschieder@36: mschieder@36: Technically the display would need to be more dynamic. mschieder@36: mschieder@36: mschieder@36: == Allow tracking of issues per keyword(s) and status mschieder@36: (20180709ber) mschieder@36: mschieder@36: It makes sense to be able to track the status of issues in combination mschieder@36: with keywords. For example if I'm using a keyword {{{version2}}} mschieder@36: of my software, I'd like to know how many issues are open, being worked on mschieder@36: or on testing. mschieder@36: mschieder@36: This would allow something like a burn down chart.