view test/ @ 457:b90bb9f2bb77

Use the Hashlib module instead of MD5 if the python version is >=2.5
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:50:17 +0000
parents 8e0c81870e5e
children 454967511f5c
line wrap: on
line source
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by Intevation GmbH
# Authors:
# Bernhard Herzog <>
# This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
# Read the file COPYING coming with the software for details.

"""Tests for the treepkg.util module"""

import os
import unittest

from filesupport import FileTestMixin

from treepkg.util import replace_in_file, listdir_abs, md5sum, \
                         remove_trailing_slashes, expand_filename

class TestReplaceInFile(unittest.TestCase, FileTestMixin):

    def runtest(self, orig_contents, expected_contents, pattern, replacement):
        filename = self.create_temp_file("orig", orig_contents)
        changed = replace_in_file(filename, pattern, replacement)
        self.assertEquals(changed, orig_contents != expected_contents)
        self.check_file_contents(filename, expected_contents)

    def test_version_replacement(self):
        template = ("project foo version 1.0-svn%(rev)d"
                    "Some filler"
                    "text that sometimes"
                    "looks similar to the pattern"
                    "foo 1.2-svn2"
                    "echo foo version 1.0-svn%(rev)d"
                    "and more filler")
        self.runtest(template % dict(rev=0), template % dict(rev=321),
                     r"1\.0-svn0", "1.0-svn321")

    def test_no_matches(self):
        """Tests replace_in_file when no matches are found"""
        template = ("project foo version 1.0-svn%(rev)d"
                    "Some filler"
                    "text that sometimes"
                    "looks similar to the pattern"
                    "foo 1.2-svn2"
                    "echo foo version 1.0-svn%(rev)d"
                    "and more filler")
        self.runtest(template % dict(rev=0), template % dict(rev=0),
                     r"0\.9-svn0", "1.0-svn321")

class TestListDirAbs(unittest.TestCase, FileTestMixin):

    def setUp(self): = self.create_temp_dir("a_directory")

    def test_listdir_abs(self):
        directory = self.create_files("dir", [("foo.orig.tgz", ""),
                                              ("foo.dsc", ""),
                                              ("foo.diff.gz", ""),])
                          sorted([os.path.join(directory, d)
                                  for d in ["foo.orig.tgz", "foo.dsc",

    def test_listdir_abs_pattern(self):
        directory = self.create_files("dir", [("foo.orig.tgz", ""),
                                              ("foo.dsc", ""),
                                              ("foo.diff.gz", ""),])
        self.assertEquals(sorted(listdir_abs(directory, '*.dsc')),
                          [os.path.join(directory, "foo.dsc")])

class TestMd5sum(unittest.TestCase, FileTestMixin):

    content = "this is a test content"

    def setUp(self):
        self.testfile = self.create_temp_file("testmd5.txt", self.content)

    def test_md5sum(self):
        sum = md5sum(self.testfile)
        self.assertEquals("a12511153555c1f0f0a1eda200733a3f", sum)

class TestRemoveTrailingSlashes(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_remove_trailing_slashes(self):
        dir_w_slash    = "/tmp/dir/"
        dir_wo_slash = "/tmp/dir"

        self.assertEquals(dir_wo_slash, remove_trailing_slashes(dir_w_slash))
        self.assertEquals(dir_wo_slash, remove_trailing_slashes(dir_wo_slash))

class TestExpandFilename(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_expand_filenam(self):
        os.environ['MY_TEST_VAR'] = "def"
        path = "/abc/${MY_TEST_VAR}/"

        self.assertEquals("/abc/def/", expand_filename(path))
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