view contrib/sawmill/web/templates/details.html @ 504:dcec034fed97

Remove the type for the additionals variable in determine_package_version altogether.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:30:08 +0000
parents e075ce66e085
line wrap: on
line source
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<%@include file="" %>
from cgi import escape
from xml.sax.saxutils import quoteattr
from datetime import date, datetime
<div class="css_prison">
<h1><%= escape(description) %></h1>
<%= header %>
<table class="statustable">
  <th class="statustablehead">Status</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Package</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Revision</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Start</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Stop</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Duration</th>
  <th class="statustablehead">Notes</th>
def nn(s, d=""):
    if not s: return d
    return escape(s)

def pretty_time(t, format="%H:%M:%S"):
    if not t: return "&lt;unknown&gt;"
    return t.strftime(format)

def pretty_timedelta(a, b):
    if a is None or b is None: return "&lt;unknown&gt;"
    td = a - b
    secs = td.days * 24*3600 + td.seconds
    out = []
    if secs >= 3600:
        hs = secs // 3600
        out.append("%dh" % hs)
        secs %= 3600
    if secs >= 60:
        ms = secs // 60
        out.append("%dm" % ms)
        secs %= 60
    if secs > 0 or not out:
        out.append("%ds" % secs)
    return " ".join(out)

def date_from_datetime(x):
    if not x: return None
    return date(x.year, x.month,

def sort_by_start(a, b):
    a_start = a.build_start
    b_start = b.build_start
    if not a_start and not b_start: return 0
    if not a_start: return 1
    if not b_start: return -1
    return cmp(a_start, b_start)

def create_tags_link(tag_url):
    return quoteattr(tag_url.replace(

track_items = sorted(track_items, cmp=sort_by_start, reverse=True)

last_date = None

    'creating_binary_package': 'inprogress',
    'creating_source_package': 'inprogress',
    'source_package_created':  'inprogress',
    'binary_package_created':  'finished'

    'creating_binary_package': 'building binary packages',
    'creating_source_package': 'building source package',
    'source_package_created':  'preparing build envrionment',
    'binary_package_created':  'success'

for track_item in track_items:
    # for all track items
    curr_date = date_from_datetime(track_item.build_start)
    if curr_date != last_date:
        last_date = curr_date
%><tr class="date_row"><td colspan="7"><%= pretty_time(last_date, "%Y-%m-%d") %> (times in UTC)</td></tr><%
    # date changed
<tr class="<%= STATUS2CLASS.get(track_item.build_status, 'error') %>">
<td><a name=<%= quoteattr(track_item.build_label) %>><%= STATUS2MSG.get(track_item.build_status, 'error') %></a></td>
<td><b><%= nn(track_item.track) %></b></td>
<td align="right"><%
    tags = track_item.build_tags
    if tags:
        # a tag
%><a href=<%= create_tags_link(tags) %>><strong><%= nn(track_item.revision) %></strong></a><%
        # not a tag
%><%= nn(track_item.revision) %><%
    # end if tags
<td align="right"><%= pretty_time(track_item.build_start) %></td>
<td align="right"><%= pretty_time(track_item.build_stop) %></td>
<td align="right"><%= pretty_timedelta(track_item.stop, track_item.build_start) %></td>
    for log_desc, log_path in track_item.build_logs:
        # for all logs
%>[<a href=<%= quoteattr("%s/%s" % (base_dir, log_path)) %>><%= nn(log_desc) %></a>]
    # for all logs
# for all track itemes

report generated at <%= pretty_time(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") %>, powered
by <a href="">Tree Packager</a>

<%@include file="" %>
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