- update git tag detector and add test2010-11-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- add a tag detector for git2010-11-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix test after changes to cachedb.get_old_packages2010-11-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed typo2010-11-05, by Bjoern Ricks
- don't remove packages if a track is deactivated2010-11-05, by Bjoern Ricks
- Remove the type for the additionals variable in determine_package_version2010-10-25, by Andre Heinecke
- * Only check the time once per version calculation2010-10-25, by Andre Heinecke
- Expose package time and a short revision to the version templates.2010-10-25, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix typo in a comment2010-10-25, by Andre Heinecke
- enterprise tags has no source and binary packager anymore2010-10-20, by Bjoern Ricks
- consolidate enterprise packagers2010-10-20, by Bjoern Ricks
- also a fix for tags packager2010-10-15, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix issue with finally and python < 2.52010-10-15, by Bjoern Ricks
- SourcePackage in kde_l10n recipe super(SourcePackager, self).determine_package_version(directory, locals()) to resolve upsteam_version variable2010-10-15, by Bjoern Ricks
- add tests for determine debian upstream version2010-10-14, by Bjoern Ricks
- determine upstream_version of a package2010-10-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- sawmill: fixed stupid time calc bug2010-10-02, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Added RSS feed generator.2010-09-30, by Sascha Teichmann
- skip reports without a status and status starttime2010-09-30, by Bjoern Ricks
- sawmill: Prepared detail view for syndication:2010-09-29, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: details view has seven columns not six. Was wrong in date rows.2010-09-26, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: moved imports before there usage2010-09-26, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Made html head elements HTML 4.01 compatible.2010-09-26, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Moved python blocks in templates to make them more readable.2010-09-23, by Sascha Teichmann
- Moved the saegewerk table layout completely into header and footer2010-09-23, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Improved HTML 4.01 transitional compat a bit.2010-09-18, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: moved wald's table layout into common header and footer2010-09-18, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Rearranged the postion of some python code in the details template to2010-09-18, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Not all displayed times are in UTC so the2010-09-18, by Sascha Teichmann
- Add a Z to the times to underline that we are on UTC time2010-09-17, by Andre Heinecke
- sawmill: s/build successful/success/ because its more symmetrical to "error" and it reduces the size of the generated detail page.2010-09-17, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: short start and stop to %H:%M:%S because2010-09-16, by Sascha Teichmann
- Added favicon derived from Kalle's saegeblatt.svg2010-09-14, by Sascha Teichmann
- The beast is called Saegewerk and not Saegewerker2010-09-12, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: Added 'powered by Tree Packager' line in details view.2010-09-10, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: create links for tag builds2010-09-10, by Sascha Teichmann
- sawmill: removed trailing whitespace2010-09-10, by Sascha Teichmann
- Source package created means we are still progressing2010-09-10, by Andre Heinecke
- set sbdmock rootlog to scratchlog.txt2010-09-10, by Bjoern Ricks
- sawmill: Sort treepkgs in overview by description2010-09-10, by Sascha Teichmann
- Update the stop time after all logs are compressed2010-09-09, by Andre Heinecke
- recognize more build states in sawmill2010-09-09, by Sascha Teichmann
- check if tracks directory exists before walking it.2010-09-09, by Sascha Teichmann
- Allow sending notifications from a local treepkg via sendnotificationmails.py2010-09-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Update test_readconfig for additional config parameters2010-09-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Enable a status_hook to be set and executed on status changes2010-09-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Make walking of revision path more stable2010-09-09, by Sascha Teichmann
- Make the compress_all_logs call builder independent and also compress2010-08-31, by Andre Heinecke
- commit compress all logs patch from Sascha Teichmann2010-08-30, by Bjoern Ricks
- corrected link back to overview in detail view of sawmill2010-08-27, by Sascha Teichmann
- Filter deprecation warnings from cherrypy in a more specific way2010-08-25, by Andre Heinecke
- Use an exception to use either hashlib or md52010-08-24, by Andre Heinecke
- Use the Hashlib module instead of MD5 if the python version is >=2.52010-08-24, by Andre Heinecke
- Ignore warnings about deprecated MD5 module2010-08-24, by Andre Heinecke
- Ignore builds without status information2010-08-23, by Andre Heinecke
- Do not show warnings caused by using cherrypy2010-08-23, by Andre Heinecke
- Improved README of sawmill a bit.2010-08-20, by Sascha Teichmann
- Initial check-in of sawmill a simple mod_python based2010-08-20, by Sascha Teichmann
- capture only stdout for treepkginfo2010-08-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- Enable more variables to be used in the version template.2010-08-11, by Andre Heinecke
- added jobdaemon2010-08-10, by Bjoern Ricks
- added missing import2010-08-10, by Bjoern Ricks
- Cleanup misplaced whitespace2010-08-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Ignore redundancy of trailing slashes while ensuring to have at least one.2010-08-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Default to treepkg.packager if no packager class is given2010-08-09, by Andre Heinecke
- Always call checkout index with a trailing / to force the creation of the dest2010-08-09, by Andre Heinecke
- fix: function name is makedirs instead of mkdirs2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- use os.mkdirs to create static web directory to get rid of noisy errors if a build machine is rebooted and tmp dir is cleaned2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- Merged revisions 388-399 via svnmerge from2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- Merged revisions 346-386 via svnmerge from2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- cleanup modulestreepkg-status 2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- review changestreepkg-status 2010-08-05, by Bjoern Ricks
- be more error prone in listing different filestreepkg-status 2010-08-02, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed typostreepkg-status 2010-08-02, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed another typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed another typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix handling of showing only successfull builds together with num packagestreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- publish package must be default to get original behaviourtreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- introduced after_copy_hook and made rsync upload to publishdir optionaltreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- only rsync specified architectures from cachedir to publishdirtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix if statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- only run upload hook if it is not empty2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed a typotreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- add helper tool to list content of a cache dbtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- run rsync only an arch dirs that are present in the current treepkgtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if upload hook is emptytreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- removed unnecessary debug outputtreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed wrong import statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed last commit (db instead of sqlite3)treepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- make treepkg compatible to python 2.4treepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- use md5 instead of hashlib moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- incremental copying only changed debian packagestreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- first version of incremental copying debian packages to cachedirtreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some typostreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved data handling in publishdebianpackages into seperate moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented CacheDb to store copied Packages from build hosttreepkg-status 2010-07-23, by Bjoern Ricks
- improved publishdebianpackages and fixed a lot of bugs in the xml info parsing parttreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some small issuestreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- added a new root element which is called TreepkgRoot for Treepkg Info classestreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed small bugstreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- copy binary-all packages in all binary-xyz dirstreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented parsing from xml stringtreepkg-status 2010-07-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- inital checkin for new publishpackages processingtreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved arch info to each package infotreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved common publish functions to a seperate moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- updated test readconfig for os config variabletreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved packages and logs to revision tagtreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- add os config statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- missed in last committreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- let the user specify num revisions that should be shown in the infotreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed status line for revisiontreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some typostreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- Bugfix: source was not definedtreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented nearly all infotreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- added md5sum functiontreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- get all log filestreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- write first info about trackstreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if config file exists to get usefull error outputtreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- changed <millpath> to <trackspath>treepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- added treepkg_dir andd tracks_dir attributes to PackageGrouptreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved test file to test main dirtreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- renamed new status dir to info because of a naming conflict with status.pytreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- added classed for treepkg status xml generationtreepkg-status 2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if logdir exist before detemining log files2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- created branch for treepkg refactoringtreepkg-status 2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- removed obsolete maemo recipies2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- bugfix:2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- merged maemo packager into enterprise packager2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- Added a comment in the demo.cfg about the builder_cls option to switch the2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Changed the test for readconfig to allow the additional builder_cls option2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Added an option to configure the used builder class from the treepkg.cfg. This2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Change gpgme naming to the standard scheme of the gnupg packages2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Added for Windows CE2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Recipes added for Windows CE2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Add dependencies to the ce-arm packages since the autogen/configuration step is2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Base takes now the configuration options for Windows CE that are supplied2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- Added the option to expose additional log files from the log directory.2010-06-21, by Andre Heinecke
- added kde_l10n packager that builds only tags2010-06-15, by Bjoern Ricks
- Fix typos in doc-strings.2010-06-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- used full path (baseurl + subdir) for tag detection not only the first subdir2010-06-01, by Bjoern Ricks
- maemo_version is now <PKG_DATE>.<REVISION>2010-05-31, by Bjoern Ricks
- treepkg is now able to handle debian source format 1.0 and source format 3.0 (quilt)2010-05-31, by Bjoern Ricks
- removed dsc file statement from login target of sbuilder2010-05-31, by Bjoern Ricks
- bugfix: remove unnecessary variable for enterprise builds2010-05-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- bugfix: import recipes.kde.maemo.tags2010-05-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- kde-l10n packager for maemo tags2010-05-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- packageer for kde_l10n on maemo2010-05-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- sbdmock is now able to run scripts2010-05-20, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed indentation2010-05-19, by Bjoern Ricks
- added some comments2010-05-18, by Bjoern Ricks
- added packager that is able to build only tags for enterprise builds2010-05-18, by Bjoern Ricks
- added a small comment about the behaviour of this packager2010-05-18, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed indentation from tabs to spaces2010-05-18, by Bjoern Ricks
- added some logging output2010-05-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- only export debian dir from tag if a tag is build2010-05-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- added a packager that only builds tags and not any trunk version2010-05-11, by Bjoern Ricks
- replace rules_revision string in pkg_revision_template also for tags2010-05-11, by Bjoern Ricks
- added a maemo packager for tags2010-05-11, by Bjoern Ricks
- removed obsolete cast to int2010-05-11, by Bjoern Ricks
- treepkg is able to use package descriptions from tags now2010-05-11, by Bjoern Ricks
- added login feature for sbdmock2010-05-10, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed last commit2010-04-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- catch OSErrors if some programs are not installed2010-04-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- added sanity check if debian package description contains a dependency with a last ,2010-04-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- merged branches/scratchbox into trunk2010-04-23, by Bjoern Ricks
- Last changed revision is now again correctly returned as a string2010-04-22, by Andre Heinecke
- Fixed newest version detection for Subversion checkouts with external subdirs2010-04-22, by Andre Heinecke
- Changed testmessages to use the correct types2010-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Changed default message templates to the correct types2010-04-15, by Andre Heinecke
- Build logs are now also compressed when errors occur during building2010-04-14, by Andre Heinecke
- Expanded the pkg_revision_template dictionary to include rules revision2010-04-13, by Andre Heinecke
- Check in of local Enterprise recipe changes2010-04-13, by Andre Heinecke
- Changed the Build Logs to be gziped before they are published2010-04-13, by Andre Heinecke
- Updated recipes to reflect that Subversion revsisons are handled as strings2010-04-08, by Andre Heinecke
- Updated tests to reflect that Subversion revisions are now handled2010-04-08, by Andre Heinecke
- Fixed revision detection by changing Subversion revision numbers2010-04-08, by Andre Heinecke
- Added check in readconfig if either a git_url or a svn_url is provided2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- last_changed_revision of ManualWorkingCopy now always returns2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Test updated to reflect that rules_rev is now also handled as string2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Revisions are now handled as strings2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Revisions are now handled as strings2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Revisions are now handled as strings2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Modified tests for Git2010-03-17, by Andre Heinecke
- Fix default value in help string for --status-template option.2010-03-17, by Bernhard Herzog
- Cleaner last_changed_revision function2010-03-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Changed command calls to use cwd and fixed line length2010-03-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Added recipes for GNUPG Windows CE crossbuilds2010-03-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Added basic Git support, configuration options:2010-03-12, by Andre Heinecke
- Rsync call parameters: Using the long version with some parameters for clarity.2009-12-21, by Bernhard Reiter
- Improve help string for --config-file option of publishstaticweb.2009-12-09, by Bernhard Herzog
- Only try to copy package files when there actually are files to copy2009-12-09, by Bernhard Herzog
- use correct base class2009-12-04, by Bernhard Herzog
- Copy the enterprise 4 packagers to the refactored kde enterprise2009-12-03, by Bernhard Herzog
- Copy the enterprise 3.5 packagers to the refactored kde enterprise2009-12-03, by Bernhard Herzog
- Create generic kde enterprise packager by copying and adapting2009-12-03, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add directory structure for refactored kde enterprise packagers.2009-12-03, by Bernhard Herzog
- Rework the packager mainloop. it's a bit simpler now and stopping should2009-12-02, by Bernhard Herzog
- Implement tag exports in the subversion base classes.2009-12-02, by Bernhard Herzog
- When stopping because of an error, do not raise the exception again as2009-12-02, by Bernhard Herzog
- Do not require subclassing of recipes.kde_enterprise_3_5.base.BasePackageTrack.2009-12-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- Move the should_stop check out of the try/except block so that it's not2009-12-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- New command line argument --stop-on-error for and2009-12-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- Make the svn external subdirectories configurable in the configuration2009-12-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add per-track configuration option version_template used by the2009-12-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add a way to specify svn subset checkouts where only parts of a source2009-11-26, by Bernhard Herzog
- Check the URL of a working copy when updating a track's working copy.2009-11-26, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add doc-string to SubversionError2009-11-26, by Bernhard Herzog
- Do not require subclassing of2009-11-24, by Bernhard Herzog
- Turn the SourcePackager class attribute changemsg_template into a2009-11-20, by Bernhard Herzog
- Turn the SourcePackager class attribute pkg_basename into a per-track2009-11-20, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add a paragraph about the new option deb_build_options to demo.cfg.2009-11-20, by Bernhard Herzog
- Make it possible to use parallel builds for packages that support it:2009-11-20, by Bernhard Herzog
- Make it easy to install extra binaries into subdirectories of extra-pkg.2009-11-18, by Bernhard Herzog
- Correct the update of the sample configuration2009-10-06, by Bernhard Herzog
- Update the sample configuration2009-10-06, by Bernhard Herzog
- Replace debrevision_prefix with pkg_revision_template. Their meaning is2009-10-06, by Bernhard Herzog
- fix typo2009-10-06, by Bernhard Herzog
- fix typo2009-10-06, by Bernhard Herzog
- Add --track-option command line option to set track-specific options.2009-09-18, by Bernhard Herzog
- Avoid hard-coding the kde version: Do not override the2009-09-09, by Bernhard Herzog
- Make the web status templates work with newer versions of genshi, like2009-09-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- Make the #! line in the commands more portable. Use /usr/bin/python2009-09-01, by Bernhard Herzog
- kdepim 3.5 recipes: Use the official tag date as the date in the package2009-08-04, by Bernhard Herzog