- Always call checkout index with a trailing / to force the creation of the dest2010-08-09, by Andre Heinecke
- fix: function name is makedirs instead of mkdirs2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- use os.mkdirs to create static web directory to get rid of noisy errors if a build machine is rebooted and tmp dir is cleaned2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- Merged revisions 388-399 via svnmerge from2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- Merged revisions 346-386 via svnmerge from2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- cleanup modulestreepkg-status 2010-08-06, by Bjoern Ricks
- review changestreepkg-status 2010-08-05, by Bjoern Ricks
- be more error prone in listing different filestreepkg-status 2010-08-02, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed typostreepkg-status 2010-08-02, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed another typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed another typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed typotreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix handling of showing only successfull builds together with num packagestreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- publish package must be default to get original behaviourtreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- introduced after_copy_hook and made rsync upload to publishdir optionaltreepkg-status 2010-07-29, by Bjoern Ricks
- only rsync specified architectures from cachedir to publishdirtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- fix if statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- only run upload hook if it is not empty2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed a typotreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- add helper tool to list content of a cache dbtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- run rsync only an arch dirs that are present in the current treepkgtreepkg-status 2010-07-28, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if upload hook is emptytreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- removed unnecessary debug outputtreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed wrong import statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-27, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed last commit (db instead of sqlite3)treepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- make treepkg compatible to python 2.4treepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- use md5 instead of hashlib moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- incremental copying only changed debian packagestreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- first version of incremental copying debian packages to cachedirtreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some typostreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved data handling in publishdebianpackages into seperate moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-26, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented CacheDb to store copied Packages from build hosttreepkg-status 2010-07-23, by Bjoern Ricks
- improved publishdebianpackages and fixed a lot of bugs in the xml info parsing parttreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some small issuestreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- added a new root element which is called TreepkgRoot for Treepkg Info classestreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed small bugstreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- copy binary-all packages in all binary-xyz dirstreepkg-status 2010-07-22, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented parsing from xml stringtreepkg-status 2010-07-21, by Bjoern Ricks
- inital checkin for new publishpackages processingtreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved arch info to each package infotreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved common publish functions to a seperate moduletreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- updated test readconfig for os config variabletreepkg-status 2010-07-13, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved packages and logs to revision tagtreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- add os config statementtreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- missed in last committreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- let the user specify num revisions that should be shown in the infotreepkg-status 2010-07-12, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed status line for revisiontreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- fixed some typostreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- Bugfix: source was not definedtreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- implemented nearly all infotreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- added md5sum functiontreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- get all log filestreepkg-status 2010-07-09, by Bjoern Ricks
- write first info about trackstreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if config file exists to get usefull error outputtreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- changed <millpath> to <trackspath>treepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- added treepkg_dir andd tracks_dir attributes to PackageGrouptreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- moved test file to test main dirtreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- renamed new status dir to info because of a naming conflict with status.pytreepkg-status 2010-07-08, by Bjoern Ricks
- added classed for treepkg status xml generationtreepkg-status 2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks
- check if logdir exist before detemining log files2010-07-07, by Bjoern Ricks