bh@89: # Demo configuration file for The default config bh@89: # file used by is publishpackages.cfg, so to use this bh@89: # file as the basis for your configuration, copy or rename this file and bh@89: # adapt it to your needs. bh@89: bh@89: [publishpackages] bh@249: # Distribution (e.g. etch, lenny, ...) and section (e.g. experimental, bh@249: # unstable, ...) for which to publish the packages bh@249: distribution: lenny bh@249: section: experimental bh@249: bh@256: # Number of newest successfully builts revisions to publish for each bh@256: # track. Ignored when publishpackages is called with an explicit bh@256: # revision. bh@256: num_newest: 3 bh@256: bh@89: # Username and host on which the treepackager runs. bh@89: # has to be able to connect to that host as the builduser via ssh bh@89: # without knowning the password. This is best achieved with the bh@89: # ssh-agent. bh@89: build_user: builder bh@89: build_host: localhost bh@89: bh@89: # the program to run on build_host to list the filenames of the packages bh@89: # in question. Currently assumes that the default bh@89: # configuration for that program works. bh@212: build_listpackages: ~/treepkg/bin/ bh@89: bh@89: # Username and host on which to publish the packages. bh@89: # uses ssh to execute commands on the publish_host to bh@256: # create directories and rsync to copy the files from the local cache to bh@256: # the publish_host. If publish_host is empty, the bh@256: # assumes that no ssh or other remote login is needed to access the bh@256: # publish host with the right permissions. bh@89: publish_user: builder bh@89: publish_host: localhost bh@89: bh@89: # the directory on the publish_host where the apt directories reside. bh@89: publish_dir: /home/ftp/apt/dists/ bh@89: bh@256: # If true will remove the packages in publish_dir bh@256: # that were not put there by the current run. Setting it to True is bh@256: # probably only useful when using to automatically bh@256: # publish the newest built packages using a cron-job, for instance. bh@256: publish_remove_old_packages: False bh@256: bh@256: # Command to run after the packages have been copied to the publish bh@256: # host. This command is run on the host running bh@256: after_upload_hook: ssh %(publish_user)s@%(publish_host)s /home/ftp/apt/update bh@89: bh@89: # local cache directory. may delete it and its bh@255: # contents, so if you intend to run on the same bh@255: # system for several remote instances of treepkg, make sure the bh@255: # directory name is unique enough, to avoid one publishpackages instance bh@255: # removing the files of another. bh@255: # bh@255: # The value is passed through the python functions os.expanduser and bh@255: # os.expandvars, so references to home directories of the form ~ or bh@255: # ~user at the beginning of the value and environment variable bh@255: # references of the form $VAR or ${VAR} are expanded. bh@255: cachedir: /tmp/${LOGNAME}/treepkg-package-cache/%(build_host)s