view ui/downloader.h @ 1331:8897c90b8166

(issue108) Remove generate_cppcheck and cppcheck target This did not work correctly. It is better just to manually execute cppcheck on the files as it gives you more control over the options.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:24:59 +0200 (2014-10-15)
parents 2a1aa9df8f11
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
 * See LICENSE.txt for details.
 * @file downloader.h
 * @brief High level API to download necessary data.

#include <QThread>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QString>
#include <QByteArray>

#include "sslconnection.h"

/** @brief High level API to download necessary data.
 * The downloader class is the UI interface to the Update server.
 * It controls the SSL Connection and checks if updates are available
 * and downloads them on demand. Each Downloader object is intended
 * to be run only once and controlled mainly by the constructor of
 * the object.
class Downloader: public QThread

     * @brief Construct a downloader with a specific certificate
     * The downloader will check the last-modified date of the
     * certificate list / sw on the server at the specified url
     * and download those accordingly. If newestSW or newestList is
     * are valid datetimes only files modified after the respective date
     * are downloaded.
     * Downloaded files are placed in QStandardPaths::DataLocation
     * @param[in] parent the parent object.
     * @param[in] url the Url to download data from
     * @param[in] certificate optional certificate to validate https connection
     * @param[in] newestSW datetime after which software should be downloaded
     * @param[in] newestList datetime after which the list should be downloaded
     * @param[in] resourceSW the path where the software is to be found
     * @param[in] resourceList the path where the list is to be found
     * @param[in] downloadSW TODO
    Downloader(QObject* parent, const QString& url,
               const QByteArray& certificate = QByteArray(),
               const QDateTime& newestSW = QDateTime(),
               const QDateTime& newestList = QDateTime(),
               const QString& resourceSW = QString(),
               const QString& resourceList = QString(),
               bool downloadSW = true);


     * @brief get the directory where the downloader saves data
     * If the directory does not exist this function ensures that it
     * is created.
     * @returns The directory in which downloaded files are placed.
    QString getDataDirectory();

     * @brief get the current error state
     * @returns The current error state.
    SSLConnection::ErrorCode getErrorState();

     * @brief forward the setCiphersuites call to the sslconnection
     * see sslconnection.h for details.
    void setCiphersuites(int suites[]);

    void run();

    QDateTime mLastModSW;
    QDateTime mLastModList;

    QString mResourceSW;
    QString mResourceList;

    bool mDownloadSW;

    SSLConnection *mSSLConnection;

     * @brief software update is available
    void newSoftwareAvailable(const QString &fileName,
            const QDateTime &lastMod);

     * @brief new certificate list available
    void newListAvailable(const QString &fileName, const QDateTime &lastMod);

     * @brief Some progress has been made.
     * @param[out] message: A message to show. Can be empty.
     * @param[out] current: Value of current progress.
     * @param[out] total: Total value of possible progress
    void progress(const QString &message, int current, int total);

     * @brief An error happened
     * @param[out] message: A message to show. Can be empty.
     * @param[out] error: ErrorCode of this error.
    void error(const QString &message, SSLConnection::ErrorCode error);

     * @brief Found the last modified date for software.
     * @param[out] date The last modified date.
    void lastModifiedDate(const QDateTime &date);