- Merged2014-04-02, by Sascha Wilde
- Deletion of certificates implemented.2014-04-02, by Sascha Wilde
- Simplification, import DER cert directly to store.2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Use the certificate item delegate in the mainwind list view.2014-04-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added delegate for certificate list items to render a custom ui.2014-04-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added certificate status enum and register it as metatype.2014-04-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Merged2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Next baby step: we can import certificates!2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Use DWORD value directly to dertermine elevation2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- New function to generate certificate name.2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Merged2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Added new module with helper functions to parse certs.2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Fixed numbering of errors.2014-04-01, by Sascha Wilde
- Use Installwrapper to call certificate installation process2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Add installwrapper class to handle process communication2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Expose the filename in certificatelist2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Include commmon in UI build to avoid having paths in include directives2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Use getLastErrorMsg from logging2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Add logging.h for some logging / debug functions2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Add utf16 conversion functions for Windows.2014-04-01, by Andre Heinecke
- Updated the mainwindow layout.2014-03-31, by Raimund Renkert
- Remove code duplication by unifying the certificatelist.2014-03-31, by Andre Heinecke
- Add accessor to check if the certificate should be installed2014-03-31, by Andre Heinecke
- Check for process elevation and write into system store accordingly2014-03-31, by Andre Heinecke
- Explicit tyoe cast to fix warning on 64bit Jessie.2014-03-29, by Sascha Wilde
- Error out, when base64 decode results in empty data.2014-03-28, by Sascha Wilde
- Input parser works. Added debug output for collected cert data.2014-03-28, by Sascha Wilde
- Merged2014-03-28, by Sascha Wilde
- Added helper functions to handle lists of NSS SECItems.2014-03-28, by Sascha Wilde
- Added missing free().2014-03-28, by Sascha Wilde