view nss/lib/softoken/legacydb/pcertt.h @ 4:b513267f632f tip

Build DBM module
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:58:03 +0200 (2014-08-05)
parents 150b72113545
line wrap: on
line source
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */
 * certt.h - public data structures for the certificate library
#ifndef _PCERTT_H_
#define _PCERTT_H_

#include "prclist.h"
#include "pkcs11t.h"
#include "seccomon.h"
#include "secoidt.h"
#include "plarena.h"
#include "prcvar.h"
#include "nssilock.h"
#include "prio.h"
#include "prmon.h"

/* Non-opaque objects */
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTCertDBHandleStr               NSSLOWCERTCertDBHandle;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTCertKeyStr                    NSSLOWCERTCertKey;

typedef struct NSSLOWCERTTrustStr                      NSSLOWCERTTrust;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTCertTrustStr                  NSSLOWCERTCertTrust;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTCertificateStr                NSSLOWCERTCertificate;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTCertificateListStr            NSSLOWCERTCertificateList;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTIssuerAndSNStr                NSSLOWCERTIssuerAndSN;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTSignedDataStr                 NSSLOWCERTSignedData;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTSubjectPublicKeyInfoStr       NSSLOWCERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo;
typedef struct NSSLOWCERTValidityStr                   NSSLOWCERTValidity;

** An X.509 validity object
struct NSSLOWCERTValidityStr {
    PLArenaPool *arena;
    SECItem notBefore;
    SECItem notAfter;

 * A serial number and issuer name, which is used as a database key
struct NSSLOWCERTCertKeyStr {
    SECItem serialNumber;
    SECItem derIssuer;

** A signed data object. Used to implement the "signed" macro used
** in the X.500 specs.
struct NSSLOWCERTSignedDataStr {
    SECItem data;
    SECAlgorithmID signatureAlgorithm;
    SECItem signature;

** An X.509 subject-public-key-info object
struct NSSLOWCERTSubjectPublicKeyInfoStr {
    PLArenaPool *arena;
    SECAlgorithmID algorithm;
    SECItem subjectPublicKey;

typedef struct _certDBEntryCert certDBEntryCert;
typedef struct _certDBEntryRevocation certDBEntryRevocation;

struct NSSLOWCERTCertTrustStr {
    unsigned int sslFlags;
    unsigned int emailFlags;
    unsigned int objectSigningFlags;

** PKCS11 Trust representation
struct NSSLOWCERTTrustStr {
    NSSLOWCERTTrust *next;
    NSSLOWCERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle;
    SECItem dbKey;			/* database key for this cert */
    certDBEntryCert *dbEntry;		/* database entry struct */
    NSSLOWCERTCertTrust *trust;
    SECItem *derCert;			/* original DER for the cert */
    unsigned char dbKeySpace[512];

** An X.509 certificate object (the unsigned form)
struct NSSLOWCERTCertificateStr {
    /* the arena is used to allocate any data structures that have the same
     * lifetime as the cert.  This is all stuff that hangs off of the cert
     * structure, and is all freed at the same time.  I is used when the
     * cert is decoded, destroyed, and at some times when it changes
     * state
    NSSLOWCERTCertificate *next;
    NSSLOWCERTCertDBHandle *dbhandle;

    SECItem derCert;			/* original DER for the cert */
    SECItem derIssuer;			/* DER for issuer name */
    SECItem derSN;
    SECItem serialNumber;
    SECItem derSubject;			/* DER for subject name */
    SECItem derSubjKeyInfo;
    NSSLOWCERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *subjectPublicKeyInfo;
    SECItem certKey;			/* database key for this cert */
    SECItem validity;
    certDBEntryCert *dbEntry;		/* database entry struct */
    SECItem subjectKeyID;	/* x509v3 subject key identifier */
    SECItem extensions;
    char *nickname;
    char *emailAddr;
    NSSLOWCERTCertTrust *trust;

    /* the reference count is modified whenever someone looks up, dups
     * or destroys a certificate
    int referenceCount;

    char nicknameSpace[200];
    char emailAddrSpace[200];
    unsigned char certKeySpace[512];

#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_1		0	/* default created */
#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_2		1	/* v2 */
#define SEC_CERTIFICATE_VERSION_3		2	/* v3 extensions */

#define SEC_CRL_VERSION_1		0	/* default */
#define SEC_CRL_VERSION_2		1	/* v2 extensions */

#define NSS_MAX_LEGACY_DB_KEY_SIZE (60 * 1024)

struct NSSLOWCERTIssuerAndSNStr {
    SECItem derIssuer;
    SECItem serialNumber;

typedef SECStatus (* NSSLOWCERTCertCallback)(NSSLOWCERTCertificate *cert, void *arg);

/* This is the typedef for the callback passed to nsslowcert_OpenCertDB() */
/* callback to return database name based on version number */
typedef char * (*NSSLOWCERTDBNameFunc)(void *arg, int dbVersion);

/* XXX Lisa thinks the template declarations belong in cert.h, not here? */

#include "secasn1t.h"	/* way down here because I expect template stuff to
			 * move out of here anyway */

 * Certificate Database related definitions and data structures

/* version number of certificate database */


/* All database entries have this form:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		version
 *	1		type
 *	2		flags

/* database entry types */
typedef enum {
    certDBEntryTypeVersion = 0,
    certDBEntryTypeCert = 1,
    certDBEntryTypeNickname = 2,
    certDBEntryTypeSubject = 3,
    certDBEntryTypeRevocation = 4,
    certDBEntryTypeKeyRevocation = 5,
    certDBEntryTypeSMimeProfile = 6,
    certDBEntryTypeContentVersion = 7,
    certDBEntryTypeBlob = 8
} certDBEntryType;

typedef struct {
    certDBEntryType type;
    unsigned int version;
    unsigned int flags;
    PLArenaPool *arena;
} certDBEntryCommon;

 * Certificate entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		sslFlags-msb
 *	1		sslFlags-lsb
 *	2		emailFlags-msb
 *	3		emailFlags-lsb
 *	4		objectSigningFlags-msb
 *	5		objectSigningFlags-lsb
 *	6		derCert-len-msb
 *	7		derCert-len-lsb
 *	8		nickname-len-msb
 *	9		nickname-len-lsb
 *	...		derCert
 *	...		nickname
 * NOTE: the nickname string as stored in the database is null terminated,
 *		in other words, the last byte of the db entry is always 0
 *		if a nickname is present.
 * NOTE: if nickname is not present, then nickname-len-msb and
 *		nickname-len-lsb will both be zero.
struct _certDBEntryCert {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    certDBEntryCert *next;
    NSSLOWCERTCertTrust trust;
    SECItem derCert;
    char *nickname;
    char nicknameSpace[200];
    unsigned char derCertSpace[2048];

 * Certificate Nickname entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		subjectname-len-msb
 *	1	        subjectname-len-lsb
 *	2...		subjectname
 * The database key for this type of entry is a nickname string
 * The "subjectname" value is the DER encoded DN of the identity
 *   that matches this nickname.
typedef struct {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    char *nickname;
    SECItem subjectName;
} certDBEntryNickname;


 * Certificate Subject entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		ncerts-msb
 *	1		ncerts-lsb
 *	2		nickname-msb
 *	3		nickname-lsb
 *	4		emailAddr-msb
 *	5		emailAddr-lsb
 *	...		nickname
 *	...		emailAddr
 *	...+2*i		certkey-len-msb
 *	...+1+2*i       certkey-len-lsb
 *	...+2*ncerts+2*i keyid-len-msb
 *	...+1+2*ncerts+2*i keyid-len-lsb
 *	...		certkeys
 *	...		keyids
 * The database key for this type of entry is the DER encoded subject name
 * The "certkey" value is an array of  certificate database lookup keys that
 *   points to the database entries for the certificates that matche
 *   this subject.
typedef struct _certDBEntrySubject {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    SECItem derSubject;
    unsigned int ncerts;
    char *nickname;
    SECItem *certKeys;
    SECItem *keyIDs;
    char **emailAddrs;
    unsigned int nemailAddrs;
} certDBEntrySubject;


 * Certificate SMIME profile entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		subjectname-len-msb
 *	1	        subjectname-len-lsb
 *	2		smimeoptions-len-msb
 *	3		smimeoptions-len-lsb
 *	4		options-date-len-msb
 *	5		options-date-len-lsb
 *	6...		subjectname
 *	...		smimeoptions
 *	...		options-date
 * The database key for this type of entry is the email address string
 * The "subjectname" value is the DER encoded DN of the identity
 *   that matches this nickname.
 * The "smimeoptions" value is a string that represents the algorithm
 *   capabilities on the remote user.
 * The "options-date" is the date that the smime options value was created.
 *   This is generally the signing time of the signed message that contained
 *   the options.  It is a UTCTime value.
typedef struct {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    char *emailAddr;
    SECItem subjectName;
    SECItem smimeOptions;
    SECItem optionsDate;
} certDBEntrySMime;


 * Crl/krl entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		derCert-len-msb
 *	1		derCert-len-lsb
 *	2		url-len-msb
 *	3		url-len-lsb
 *	...		derCert
 *	...		url
 * NOTE: the url string as stored in the database is null terminated,
 *		in other words, the last byte of the db entry is always 0
 *		if a nickname is present. 
 * NOTE: if url is not present, then url-len-msb and
 *		url-len-lsb will both be zero.
struct _certDBEntryRevocation {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    SECItem	derCrl;
    char	*url;	/* where to load the crl from */

 * Database Version Entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	only the low level header...
 * The database key for this type of entry is the string "Version"
typedef struct {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
} certDBEntryVersion;

#define SEC_DB_VERSION_KEY "Version"

 * Database Content Version Entry:
 *	byte offset	field
 *	-----------	-----
 *	0		contentVersion
 * The database key for this type of entry is the string "ContentVersion"
typedef struct {
    certDBEntryCommon common;
    char contentVersion;
} certDBEntryContentVersion;

#define SEC_DB_CONTENT_VERSION_KEY "ContentVersion"

typedef union {
    certDBEntryCommon         common;
    certDBEntryCert           cert;
    certDBEntryContentVersion content;
    certDBEntryNickname       nickname;
    certDBEntryRevocation     revocation;
    certDBEntrySMime          smime;
    certDBEntrySubject        subject;
    certDBEntryVersion        version;
} certDBEntry;

/* length of the fixed part of a database entry */

/* common flags for all types of certificates */
#define CERTDB_TRUSTED		(1u<<1)
#define CERTDB_SEND_WARN	(1u<<2)
#define CERTDB_VALID_CA		(1u<<3)
#define CERTDB_TRUSTED_CA	(1u<<4) /* trusted for issuing server certs */
#define CERTDB_NS_TRUSTED_CA	(1u<<5)
#define CERTDB_USER		(1u<<6)
#define CERTDB_TRUSTED_CLIENT_CA (1u<<7) /* trusted for issuing client certs */
#define CERTDB_INVISIBLE_CA	(1u<<8) /* don't show in UI */
#define CERTDB_GOVT_APPROVED_CA	(1u<<9) /* can do strong crypto in export ver */
#define CERTDB_MUST_VERIFY	(1u<<10) /* explicitly don't trust this cert */
#define CERTDB_TRUSTED_UNKNOWN	(1u<<11) /* accept trust from another source */

/* bits not affected by the CKO_NETSCAPE_TRUST object */

#endif /* _PCERTT_H_ */
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