andre@1147: Sources: oxygen-icons_4.13.0.orig.tar.xz andre@1147: Tool: Debian,Package: inkscape Version: bernhard@1115: andre@1147: == store-base andre@1147: store-base created from svn-commit.svgz, removing the arrow andre@1147: and the two interal circles. bernhard@1115: andre@1147: == cert-is-imported-good.svg andre@1147: Starting with svn-update.svg, removing the arrow and the two small circles. andre@1147: Importing dialog-ok-apply.svgz, scaling it down and placing it in the middle. bernhard@1115: andre@1147: Trick: When exporting to bitmap: To reach the same size, andre@1147: even when the drawing is not completely fillled: andre@1147: look at the size of the comparable drawing. bernhard@1115: andre@1147: == cert-not-installed-bad.svg andre@1147: Starting with store-base.svg, importing im-ban-user.svgz. andre@1147: Removing the figure from im-ban-user and place the disallowed sign. bernhard@1115: andre@1147: Can maybe improved by using the small/22x22/mail-mark-junk.svgz version andre@1147: or small/16x16/dialog-cancel.svgz of the disallowed sign. andre@1147: andre@1147: == cert-is-installed-bad andre@1147: store-base.svg -> andre@1147: imported status/small/22x22/task-attention.svgz, scaled and placed. andre@1147: andre@1147: == cert-not-installed-good andre@1147: cert-is-installed-bad.svg -> andre@1147: Inkscape: tools -> rgb "tonne" andre@1147: