aheinecke@8: Testkeys were created with: aheinecke@8: openssl genrsa -out testkey-priv.pem 3072 aheinecke@8: openssl rsa -in testkey-priv.pem -out testkey-pub.pem -outform PEM -pubout aheinecke@8: aheinecke@8: aheinecke@8: Certificate List was created manually and contains: aheinecke@8: PCA-1-Verwaltung-08 aheinecke@8: Intevation-Email-CA-2013 aheinecke@8: Intevation-Server-CA-2010 aheinecke@8: aheinecke@42: Test files created with: aheinecke@8: aheinecke@30: echo -e S:$(openssl dgst -sha256 -sign testkey-priv.pem < list-valid.txt | base64 -w0)\\r > list-valid-signed.txt aheinecke@8: cat list-valid.txt >> list-valid-signed.txt aheinecke@42: echo -e S:$(openssl dgst -sha256 -sign testkey-other.pem < list-valid.txt | base64 -w0)\\r > list-valid-other-signature.txt aheinecke@42: cat list-valid.txt >> list-valid-other-signature.txt aheinecke@42: echo -e S:$(openssl dgst -sha1 -sign testkey-other.pem < list-valid.txt | base64 -w0)\\r > list-valid-sha1-signature.txt aheinecke@42: cat list-valid.txt >> list-valid-sha1-signature.txt aheinecke@8: cp list-valid-signed.txt list-invalid-signed.txt aheinecke@8: tail -1 list-valid.txt >> list-invalid-signed.txt aheinecke@8: aheinecke@42: # List with 0 created manually by placing a \0 in the signature aheinecke@42: aheinecke@8: Random Data generated with: aheinecke@8: openssl rand -out random_2MB 2000000 aheinecke@8: openssl rand -out random_500k 500000