andre@955: /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik andre@955: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH andre@955: * andre@955: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2) andre@955: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! andre@955: * See LICENSE.txt for details. andre@955: */ andre@955: #ifndef PROXYSETTINGSDLG_H andre@955: #define PROXYSETTINGSDLG_H andre@955: andre@955: #include andre@955: andre@955: class QLineEdit; andre@955: class QPushButton; andre@955: emanuel@1053: /** emanuel@1053: * @file proxysettingsdlg.h emanuel@1053: * @brief Small dialog for proxy settings. emanuel@1053: */ andre@955: andre@955: class ProxySettingsDlg : public QDialog { andre@955: andre@955: Q_OBJECT andre@955: andre@955: public: andre@955: ProxySettingsDlg(QWidget *parent); andre@955: andre@955: private slots: andre@955: /** @brief activate the save button depending on the input.*/ andre@955: void checkCanSave(const QString& val); andre@955: andre@955: /** @brief save the contents of mProxyURL in the settings. */ andre@955: void save(); andre@955: andre@955: private: andre@955: QLineEdit *mProxyURL; andre@955: QPushButton *mSaveButton; andre@955: }; andre@955: andre@955: #endif // PROXYSETTINGSDLG_H