aheinecke@404: /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik aheinecke@404: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH aheinecke@404: * aheinecke@404: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2) aheinecke@404: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! aheinecke@404: * See LICENSE.txt for details. aheinecke@404: */ rrenkert@333: #include "administratorwindow.h" andre@876: #include "util.h" rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: #include <QApplication> rrenkert@333: #include <QtPlugin> rrenkert@333: #include <QMessageBox> rrenkert@333: #include <QSettings> aheinecke@420: #include <QTranslator> aheinecke@420: #include <QDebug> andre@832: #include <QTextCodec> andre@876: #include <QFontDatabase> rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: #ifndef VERSION rrenkert@333: #define VERSION "0.0.1" rrenkert@333: #endif rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: #ifndef APPNAME aheinecke@520: #define APPNAME "trustbridge-admin" rrenkert@333: #endif rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: #ifndef ORGANIZATION aheinecke@409: #define ORGANIZATION "BSI" rrenkert@333: #endif rrenkert@333: andre@829: #define COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik \n" \ andre@829: "Software engineering by Intevation GmbH \n\n" \ andre@829: "This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2)\n" \ andre@829: "and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!\n" andre@829: rrenkert@333: #ifdef Q_OS_WIN rrenkert@333: Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QWindowsIntegrationPlugin) rrenkert@333: #else rrenkert@333: Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(QXcbIntegrationPlugin) rrenkert@333: #endif rrenkert@333: andre@1072: #ifdef DO_RELEASE_BUILD andre@1059: bool g_debug = false; andre@1072: #else andre@1072: bool g_debug = true; andre@1072: #endif andre@1072: andre@1059: QtMessageHandler g_default_msg_handler = NULL; andre@1059: andre@1072: void filterDebugOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) andre@1059: { andre@1072: if (!g_debug && type == QtDebugMsg) { andre@1059: return; andre@1059: } andre@1059: andre@1059: if (g_default_msg_handler) { andre@1059: (*g_default_msg_handler)(type, context, msg); andre@1059: } andre@1059: } andre@1059: rrenkert@333: int main(int argc, char **argv) rrenkert@333: { rrenkert@333: QApplication app (argc, argv); rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: QStringList arguments = QApplication::arguments(); rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: QApplication::setOrganizationName(QString::fromLatin1(ORGANIZATION)); rrenkert@333: QApplication::setApplicationName(QString::fromLatin1(APPNAME)); rrenkert@333: QApplication::setApplicationVersion(QString::fromLatin1(VERSION)); rrenkert@333: QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); rrenkert@333: andre@829: if (QApplication::arguments().contains("--version")) { andre@829: printf (APPNAME " Version: %s \n", andre@829: QApplication::applicationVersion().toLocal8Bit().constData()); andre@829: printf (COPYRIGHT); andre@829: return 0; andre@829: } andre@829: andre@1059: if (arguments.contains("--debug")) { andre@1059: g_debug = true; andre@1059: } andre@1072: g_default_msg_handler = qInstallMessageHandler(filterDebugOutput); andre@1059: aheinecke@420: QTranslator translator; aheinecke@420: if (QLocale::system().name() == "C") { aheinecke@420: /* Useful for testing / development as the primary target is german */ aheinecke@420: translator.load(":/l10n/administrator_de_DE"); aheinecke@420: } else { aheinecke@420: translator.load(":/l10n/administrator_" + QLocale::system().name()); aheinecke@420: qDebug() << "Loading translations for: " << "administrator_" + aheinecke@420: QLocale::system().name(); aheinecke@420: } aheinecke@420: app.installTranslator(&translator); aheinecke@420: andre@832: /* Out of process calls need to be encoded in latin-1 so that they andre@832: * look decent on western europe's windows */ andre@832: QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(QTextCodec::codecForName ("ISO-8859-1")); andre@832: andre@876: /* Install static fonts */ andre@876: andre@876: /* The putenv here works around a bug in qt. Qt thinks it is a fatal andre@876: * error if the font directory does not exist. */ andre@876: qputenv("QT_QPA_FONTDIR", get_install_dir()); andre@876: int fontId = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"); andre@876: if (fontId != -1) andre@876: { andre@876: QFont font("DejaVuSans"); andre@876: font.setPointSize(9); andre@876: app.setFont(font); andre@876: } andre@876: rrenkert@333: AdministratorWindow adminWin; rrenkert@333: adminWin.show(); rrenkert@333: rrenkert@333: return app.exec(); rrenkert@333: }