aheinecke@404: /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
aheinecke@404:  * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
aheinecke@404:  *
aheinecke@404:  * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2)
aheinecke@404:  * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
aheinecke@404:  * See LICENSE.txt for details.
aheinecke@404:  */
aheinecke@45: #ifndef SSLCONNECTION_H
aheinecke@45: #define SSLCONNECTION_H
aheinecke@45: /**
aheinecke@45:  * @file sslconnection.h
aheinecke@45:  * @brief Qt wrapper around polarssl ssl api
aheinecke@45:  */
aheinecke@45: #include <QDebug>
aheinecke@45: #include <QUrl>
aheinecke@45: #include <QString>
aheinecke@45: #include <QByteArray>
aheinecke@45: class SSLConnection
aheinecke@45: {
aheinecke@45: public:
aheinecke@45:     enum ErrorCode {
aheinecke@45:         NoError,
aheinecke@45:         NoConnection,
aheinecke@45:         SSLHandshakeFailed,
aheinecke@45:         InvalidCertificate,
aheinecke@45:         InvalidPinnedCertificate,
aheinecke@45:         InvalidResponse,
aheinecke@45:         ConnectionLost,
aheinecke@45:         Timeout,
aheinecke@45:         ErrUnknown
aheinecke@45:     };
aheinecke@45:     /**
aheinecke@45:      * @brief Construct a pinned SSL Connection
aheinecke@45:      *
aheinecke@45:      * @param[in] url the Url to connect to
aheinecke@45:      * @param[in] certificate optional certificate to validate https connection
aheinecke@45:      */
aheinecke@45:     SSLConnection(const QString& url,
andre@990:                   const QByteArray& certificate = QByteArray());
andre@908:     virtual ~SSLConnection() {};
aheinecke@45:     bool initialized() { return mInitialized; }
aheinecke@45:     bool connected() { return mConnected; }
aheinecke@45:     ErrorCode getLastError() { return mErrorState; }
aheinecke@45:     /** @brief: Establish the connection
aheinecke@45:      *
andre@908:      * @returns 0 on success otherwise an error or -1 is returned
aheinecke@45:      */
andre@908:     virtual int connect() = 0;
andre@910:     /** @brief get the last modified header of a resource.
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * Connection should be established beforehand.
andre@910:      * Modifies the error state.
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * @param[in] resource The resource to check
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * @returns the last modified date or a null datetime in case of errors
andre@910:      */
andre@910:     virtual QDateTime getLastModifiedHeader(const QString &resource) = 0;
andre@910:     /** @brief Download resource
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * Download a resource with the established connection.
andre@910:      * Modifies the error state.
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * @param[in] resource the resource to download
andre@910:      * @param[in] filename where the file should be saved.
andre@910:      * @param[in] maxSize maximum amount of bytes to download
andre@910:      *
andre@910:      * @returns True if the download was successful.
andre@910:      */
andre@910:     virtual bool downloadFile(const QString &resource, const QString &filename,
andre@910:                               size_t maxSize) = 0;
andre@956:     /** @brief Set a proxy server to use.
andre@956:      *
andre@956:      * @param [in] proxyUrl theo URL of the proxy to use.
andre@956:      */
andre@990:     virtual void setProxy(const QUrl &proxyUrl);
andre@990:     /** @brief Set acceptable ciphersuites.
andre@990:      *
emanuel@1053:      * @param [in] ciphers a zero terminated list of ciphers as defined in 
andre@990:      * polarssl/ssl_ciphersuites.h
andre@990:      */
andre@990:     virtual void setCiphersuites(int ciphers[]) = 0;
andre@908: protected:
aheinecke@45:     QUrl mUrl;
aheinecke@45:     QByteArray mPinnedCert;
aheinecke@45:     bool mInitialized;
aheinecke@46:     bool mConnected; /* A connection was established */
aheinecke@46:     bool mNeedsReset; /* The connection needs to be reset before the next
aheinecke@46:                          write */
aheinecke@45:     int mServerFD;
aheinecke@45:     SSLConnection::ErrorCode mErrorState;
aheinecke@45: };
aheinecke@45: #endif