aheinecke@404: /* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik aheinecke@404: * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH aheinecke@404: * aheinecke@404: * This file is Free Software under the GNU GPL (v>=2) aheinecke@404: * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! aheinecke@404: * See LICENSE.txt for details. aheinecke@404: */ aheinecke@100: #ifndef CINSTPROCESSTEST_H aheinecke@100: #define CINSTPROCESSTEST_H aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: /* @file Tests for the cinst process aheinecke@100: * @brief Tests for the cinst process as well as the UI side aheinecke@100: */ aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: #include <QObject> aheinecke@294: #include <QStringList> aheinecke@100: #include <QProcess> aheinecke@294: #include <QTemporaryFile> andre@306: #include <QTemporaryDir> rrenkert@141: #include <QTest> aheinecke@100: #include "certificatelist.h" aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: class CinstProcessTest: public QObject aheinecke@100: { aheinecke@100: Q_OBJECT aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: private: aheinecke@294: QProcess* startCinstProcess(const QStringList& args = QStringList()); aheinecke@294: QTemporaryFile validListFile; aheinecke@294: QTemporaryFile otherListFile; aheinecke@294: QTemporaryFile invalidListFile; andre@306: QTemporaryDir fakeHome; aheinecke@100: CertificateList validList; aheinecke@100: CertificateList otherList; aheinecke@100: CertificateList invalidList; aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: private Q_SLOTS: aheinecke@100: void initTestCase(); aheinecke@100: void testValidInput(); aheinecke@100: void testInvalidInstruction(); aheinecke@100: void testNoInput(); aheinecke@100: void testNoList(); aheinecke@100: void testGarbageInput(); aheinecke@100: void testNoInstructions(); aheinecke@151: void testUninstall(); aheinecke@100: }; aheinecke@100: #endif aheinecke@100: aheinecke@100: