changeset 905:0a86b992ab1f

Integrated Structure and basic File for LaTex-Documents for the Config-Manual doc/trunk@1039 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Tim Englich <>
date Fri, 30 Apr 2010 09:40:58 +0000
parents 7b0516f3e03a
children 03d58951889e
files doc/ChangeLog doc/config-manual/Makefile doc/config-manual/config-manual.tex doc/config-manual/figures/intevation-logo.eps doc/config-manual/title.tex
diffstat 5 files changed, 1519 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/ChangeLog	Fri Apr 30 06:31:52 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog	Fri Apr 30 09:40:58 2010 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+2010-04-30  Tim Englich  <tim@nomia>
+	* config-manual/config-manual.tex:
+	Added the main LaTex-Document.
+	* config-manual/title.tex:
+	Added the LaTex-IncludeDocument which will include
+	the Title-Page of this document 
+	* config-manual/figures:
+	Added folder for figures which should be integrated in this Document.
+	* config-manual/Makefile:
+	Adding Makefile for generating e.g. an PDF-Document
+	* config-manual/figures/intevation-logo.eps:
+	Added Intevation Logo.
 2010-04-30  Hans Plum  <>
 	* config-manual/config-manual.txt:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/Makefile	Fri Apr 30 09:40:58 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# $Id$
+.SUFFIXES: .dvi .tex .jpg .eps .ps .fig .pdf .html .tif
+LATEX = latex
+DOCUMENTS = WSPLGEN-Dokumentation.pdf
+IMAGES    =
+%.eps:	%.jpg
+	convert jpg:$*.jpg eps:$*.eps
+%.eps:	%.fig
+	fig2dev -L ps -p dummy_arg -z A4 $*.fig > $*.ps
+%.dvi:	%.tex
+	$(LATEX) $*.tex && $(LATEX) $*.tex && $(LATEX) $*.tex
+	%.dvi
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+	( echo "<< /AutoFilterColorImages false"; 	\
+	  echo "   /EncodeColorImages true"; 		\
+	  echo "   /DownsampleColorImages false"; 	\
+	  echo "   /ColorImageFilter /FlateEncode"; 	\
+	  echo ">> setdistillerparams" ) 		\
+	  | cat - $*.ps | ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 - $*.pdf
+	gs -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sPapersize=a4 -dNOPAUSE -q -sOutputFile=$*.tif $*.ps -c quit
+all: $(DOCUMENTS)
+	rm -f *.bak *.lof *.log *.toc *.aux  WARNINGS
+dist-clean: clean
+	rm -f *.dvi *.pdf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/config-manual.tex	Fri Apr 30 09:40:58 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+% Load packages
+%\usepackage[all, light]{draftcopy}
+% FIXME hyperref config
+% Document DATE and VERSION
+% set these values when releasing a new version
+\newcommand{\documentdate}{April 30th, 2010}
+\newcommand{\documentrevision}{FIXME SVN REV}
+% Document TITLE
+\newcommand{\documenttitle}{Generic Viewer -- Installing and running}
+% Some parameters for layouting
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+showstringspaces=false,         % underline spaces within strings
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+breakatwhitespace=false,        % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
+title=\lstname,                 % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting; also try caption instead of title
+escapeinside={\%*}{*)}          % if you want to add a comment within your code
+% morekeywords={*,...}            % if you want to add more keywords to the set
+% for some pages latex switches back to pagestyle plain :-(
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+	\\\documentID}
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+\fancyfoot[LO]{\footnotesize \documentdate
+% END Header/Footer Definition
+%   \Fig{figure}{lof text}{caption} :
+%			places 'figure' and
+%                       writes 'caption' at the bottom with leading
+%                       'Abbildung figno:'. 'lof text' is added to the list of
+%                       figures.
+%                       Example:
+%                       \Fig{\epsfxsize30mm \epsffile{x.eps}}{the x}{the x}
+%   \FigNoEntry{}{} :
+%			same as above, no entry in figures list
+%   \FigCaption{} :
+%			line with figure caption, setting figure
+%                       counter and figures list
+%   \Tab{table}{lot text}{caption} :
+%			places 'table' and writes caption on top of the table
+%			with leading 'Tabelle tabno:'. 'lot text' is added to
+%			the list of tables.
+%       Figure makro for graphics continously enumerated.
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+        {Abbildung \arabic{FigCnt}: #2}
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+                {\protect\numberline{\arabic{TabCnt}}{#2}}
+        {Tabelle \arabic{TabCnt}: #3}
+        #1
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+% Start actual content here
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/figures/intevation-logo.eps	Fri Apr 30 09:40:58 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
+%%For: Frank Koormann,,,
+%%CreationDate: Thu Mar 29 14:37:25 2001
+%%Title: intevation_logo-thin.eps
+%%Creator: Sketch 0.6.8
+%%Pages: 1
+%%BoundingBox: 78 68 132 94
+%%Extensions: CMYK
+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: (atend)
+%%BeginResource: procset Linux-Sketch-Procset 1.0 2
+/SketchDict 100 dict def
+SketchDict begin
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+/xd { exch def } bd
+/PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327 def
+/radgrad { 180 mul PI div } bd
+/skstartmatrix matrix currentmatrix def
+/tmpmat matrix def
+/ISOLatin1Encoding dup where
+{ pop pop }
+{  [/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand
+/quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /minus /period
+/slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon
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+/K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash
+/bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i
+/j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright
+/asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve
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+/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] def
+/arct dup where
+{pop pop}
+/arct {arcto pop pop pop pop} bd
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+/size xd
+/fontname xd
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+{ pop pop }
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+size scalefont setfont
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+skstartmatrix setmatrix stroke 
+} bd
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+/l { lineto } bd
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+/tmpmat tmpmat currentmatrix def
+dup type /arraytype eq {concat} {translate} ifelse
+0 0 m
+} bd
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+/TP {txt x dup show 0 0 m true charpath popt} bd
+/C {newpath 0 360 arc} bd
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+2 copy m
+x 2 index l
+x 2 index x l
+} bd
+/ellipse { 
+dup type /arraytype eq
+pusht x concat
+0 0 1.0 C 
+pusht 5 1 roll
+4 -1 roll concat
+dup 2 eq {
+0 0 m 
+} if 
+3 1 roll
+radgrad x
+radgrad x
+0 0 1   5 -2 roll
+0 ne { closepath } if
+} bd
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+dup type /arraytype eq
+pusht x concat
+0 0 m  1 0 l  1 1 l  0 1 l  closepath
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+/radius1 xd
+pusht x concat
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+0 radius2 m
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+radius2 radius1 div
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+0  0 0  radius2  arct
+0 0  0 1  radius2 arct
+} bd
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+/tmpmat tmpmat currentmatrix def
+{ concat } if
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+width height scale
+width height 8
+[width	 0   0	 height neg	  0  height]
+{ currentfile buf readhexstring pop } bind
+false 3 colorimage
+tmpmat setmatrix
+} bd
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+/tmpmat tmpmat currentmatrix def
+{ concat } if
+/height xd
+/width xd
+/buf width string def
+width height scale
+width height 8
+[width	 0   0	 height neg	  0  height]
+{ currentfile buf readhexstring pop } bind
+tmpmat setmatrix
+} bd
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+4 2 roll m
+dup 0 x rlineto
+x 0 rlineto
+neg 0 x rlineto
+} bd
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+10 dict begin
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+3 index neg 3 index neg translate
+0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin
+10 setmiterlimit [ ] 0 setdash
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+userdict begin
+/showpage { } def
+/languagelevel where
+languagelevel 1 ne
+false setstrokeadjust
+false setoverprint
+} if
+} if
+} bd 
+/skepsend {
+count sk_count sub { pop } repeat
+countdictstack sk_dict_count sub { end } repeat
+sk_state restore
+} bd
+/gradidx 0 def
+/gradient { 
+3 mul array
+/gradidx 0 def
+} bd
+/$ {
+3 index gradidx       5 -1 roll put 
+2 index gradidx 1 add 4 -1 roll put 
+1 index gradidx 2 add 3 -1 roll put 
+/gradidx gradidx 3 add def
+} bd
+/! { 
+dup dup gradidx dup 3 1 roll 3 sub get put
+/gradidx gradidx 1 add def
+} bd
+/gradcolor {
+3 mul dup 2 add 1 exch	% idx  1  idx+2
+1 index exch	% array array i
+get		% array component
+exch		% component array
+4 1 roll
+} bd
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+/numcolors 0 def
+/axial	{
+/y1 xd /x1 xd /y0 xd /x0 xd
+dup length 3 idiv /numcolors xd
+pusht exch  % ctm array
+x0 x1 ne y0 y1 ne or
+x0 y0 translate
+[x1 x0 sub  y1 y0 sub	dup neg    2 index    0	    0] concat
+clippath flattenpath pathbbox
+/top xd /right xd /bottom xd /left xd
+0 gradcolor rgb clippath f
+0 1 numcolors 1 sub
+dup numcolors div
+3 1 roll
+gradcolor rgb
+bottom right top R f
+} bd
+/r0 0 def /r1 0 def /dr 0 def
+/radial	{
+/r1 xd /r0 xd /y0 xd /x0 xd
+/dr r1 r0 sub def
+dup length 3 idiv /numcolors xd
+pusht exch  % ctm array
+r0 r1 ne
+x0 y0 translate
+clippath flattenpath pathbbox
+/top xd /right xd /bottom xd /left xd
+dr 0 gt {numcolors 1 sub}{0} ifelse gradcolor rgb
+clippath f
+dr 0 gt {numcolors 1 sub -1 0} { 0 1 numcolors 1 sub} ifelse
+dup numcolors div dr mul r0 add
+3 1 roll
+gradcolor rgb
+0 0 3 -1 roll C f
+} bd
+/max {
+2 copy lt {exch} if pop
+} bd
+/conical {
+pusht 5 1 roll
+3 1 roll /y0 xd /x0 xd
+x0 y0 translate
+radgrad rotate
+dup length 3 idiv /numcolors xd
+clippath flattenpath pathbbox newpath
+4 { abs 4 1 roll} repeat
+3 { max } repeat
+2 mul
+dup scale
+0 gradcolor rgb
+0 0 1 0 360 arc f
+1 1 numcolors 1 sub
+dup numcolors div 180 mul
+3 1 roll
+gradcolor rgb
+0 0 moveto
+0 0 1  4 -1 roll  dup neg  arc
+closepath f
+} bd
+/XStep 0 def /YStep 0 def /imagedata 0 def /components 0 def
+/tileimage2 {
+exch 4 2 roll
+/height xd
+/width xd
+/components 2 index
+/PatternType 1
+/PaintType 1
+/TilingType 1
+/BBox [0 0 width height]
+/XStep width
+/YStep height
+/PaintProc {
+XStep YStep 8
+counttomark 2 div cvi dup dict begin
+{ def } repeat
+pop currentdict end
+4 -1 roll
+width height mul mul string
+currentfile exch readhexstring pop
+} bd
+/tileimage1 {
+/components xd
+/height xd
+/width xd
+width height mul components mul string
+readhexstring pop
+clippath flattenpath pathbbox
+/top xd /right xd /bottom xd /left xd
+left width div floor width mul
+bottom height div floor height mul
+top bottom sub height div ceiling cvi
+right left sub width div ceiling cvi
+width height 8 matrix
+components 1 eq
+{ imagedata }
+false components
+width 0 translate
+0 height translate
+} bd
+/makepattern where
+/tileimage /tileimage2 load def
+/tileimage /tileimage1 load def
+10.433 setmiterlimit
+%%Page: 1 1
+SketchDict begin
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+89.3805 92.7446 89.5146 92.3854 89.7059 92.4617 c
+90.3588 92.7216 91.0745 92.5334 91.5725 92.3012 c
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+92.4246 92.4106 93.2359 91.4866 93.2359 91.4372 c
+95.3948 89.4748 99.2768 88.555 102.019 89.186 c
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+113.208 92.7366 l
+114.425 92.9532 114.356 92.6862 114.93 92.6609 c
+114.93 90.5837 114.005 87.8389 114.95 85.8136 c
+115.043 85.6129 115.327 85.1931 115.474 85.044 c
+119.365 81.1112 125.41 82.6691 129.868 84.5493 c
+129.868 84.4181 130.124 84.2636 130.124 84.1323 c
+130.124 83.9504 129.868 83.7916 129.868 83.6096 c
+129.521 83.6096 129.294 83.4821 129.005 83.2726 c
+126.771 81.6517 123.827 80.5003 121.756 78.5645 c
+121.551 78.3735 121.558 78.1688 121.558 77.872 c
+121.756 77.6246 122.036 77.2541 122.315 77.061 c
+122.399 77.0029 122.564 76.8961 124.449 75.877 c
+126.015 75.0309 127.68 74.6575 129.194 74.6604 c
+129.194 74.475 129.046 74.2851 129.051 74.0807 c
+129.052 74.0297 129.066 73.9744 129.086 73.9171 c
+129.106 73.8599 129.132 73.8003 129.158 73.7411 c
+129.183 73.6819 129.209 73.6226 129.227 73.5659 c
+129.245 73.5087 129.255 73.4539 129.252 73.4038 c
+129.238 73.1617 129.151 72.9814 129.076 72.7773 c
+126.75 73.9407 124.211 75.0082 121.611 75.7449 c
+120.232 76.1358 118.876 76.4938 117.501 76.7872 c
+116.305 77.0426 113.981 77.2912 113.298 75.7452 c
+112.578 74.1158 113.329 72.4451 113.544 70.8622 c
+113.245 70.9989 113.04 71.6163 112.826 71.3291 c
+112.556 70.799 l
+112.21 71.5408 111.908 72.5375 111.698 73.3754 c
+111.413 74.5161 110.852 75.2644 109.473 75.4597 c
+107.323 75.7648 107.541 75.5249 106.808 75.0986 c
+105.489 74.3316 104.447 72.6469 104.427 70.7633 c
+104.103 70.8166 104.04 71.1029 103.715 71.1562 c
+103.661 71.1361 103.594 71.1001 103.521 71.0624 c
+103.448 71.0247 103.368 70.985 103.288 70.9575 c
+103.209 70.9303 103.129 70.9147 103.056 70.9254 c
+102.983 70.9359 102.916 70.9725 102.862 71.049 c
+102.814 71.2619 102.513 71.4476 102.165 71.1947 c
+101.229 70.799 l
+101.108 71.1117 100.582 71.3382 100.316 71.5037 c
+99.0659 72.2807 97.0528 71.5295 96.2781 70.5102 c
+96.093 70.57 95.9079 70.6298 95.7225 70.6896 c
+95.5289 70.7905 95.2567 70.9099 94.8114 70.6321 c
+94.4917 70.5802 l
+94.4917 70.8373 94.9407 70.8557 95.0994 71.1094 c
+95.4787 71.7155 95.856 72.5599 96.434 73.236 c
+97.4233 74.3934 98.3768 75.7545 97.6356 77.2578 c
+97.415 77.7045 97.576 77.5078 96.6749 78.2941 c
+96.1414 78.7598 95.3594 79.3486 94.7173 79.6468 c
+91.9201 80.9465 88.4556 81.0936 85.1714 80.6681 c
+83.4604 80.4467 81.7831 80.1902 80.3068 79.6031 c
+80.2609 79.585 80.3031 79.5122 80.2535 79.5122 c
+80.306 79.6936 80.6359 79.9461 80.4556 80.0496 c
+80.2343 80.1389 80.2481 80.2886 80.2552 80.4833 c
+80.2731 80.7971 l
+80.4213 80.7971 80.3077 80.824 80.4554 80.8396 c
+82.6332 81.0712 84.5517 81.7552 86.5887 82.4718 c
+87.2231 82.6952 87.987 83.0019 88.527 83.452 c
+88.8771 83.744 89.3216 84.2214 89.3216 84.6667 c
+89.3216 85.0624 88.8949 85.959 88.6166 86.1815 c
+86.4209 87.9381 80.8845 88.8736 80.8346 88.9422 c
+80.7828 89.0136 l
+80.7856 89.1103 81.0512 89.1729 81.1198 89.3575 c
+81.1731 89.5006 81.0506 89.7858 81.1017 89.9232 c
+81.1924 90.1679 81.2247 90.3363 81.1479 90.3363 c
+0.9 0.9 0.9 rgb
+0.9 0.9 0.9 rgb
+0.215433 w
+0 j
+0 J
+[] 0 d
+108.203 84.2032 m
+107.659 84.1536 106.67 83.9557 106.373 83.5107 c
+106.324 83.5107 106.274 83.4611 106.274 83.4118 c
+106.126 83.3622 106.027 82.9665 105.829 82.8675 c
+105.829 82.1257 105.533 81.4828 106.126 80.8396 c
+106.225 80.7407 l
+106.423 80.6914 l
+107.907 79.8999 109.341 79.9989 110.726 80.8892 c
+110.776 80.9882 l
+110.875 81.0375 111.072 81.3343 111.27 81.3343 c
+111.27 81.8782 111.765 82.4225 111.418 83.115 c
+111.32 83.3129 110.825 83.4611 110.825 83.659 c
+110.726 83.659 110.132 84.0054 110.132 84.0547 c
+109.935 84.0547 l
+109.737 84.2525 108.401 84.2525 108.203 84.2032 c
+0.8 0.8 0.8 rgb
+0.7 0.7 0.7 rgb
+0.566929 w
+0 j
+0 J
+[] 0 d
+129.218 74.6074 m
+126.745 74.9042 123.636 75.6956 121.805 77.5256 c
+121.657 77.6742 121.459 78.0203 121.459 78.2677 c
+121.558 78.3171 l
+121.558 78.3667 121.757 78.5634 121.805 78.6139 c
+123.135 79.9966 125.128 80.6576 126.673 81.7561 c
+128.047 82.7323 129.427 83.5107 129.67 83.5107 c
+129.775 83.5629 130.033 83.615 130.115 83.659 c
+129.109 72.8173 m
+127.427 73.3119 125.912 74.363 124.229 74.9042 c
+121.542 75.7684 l
+120.528 76.0947 119.51 76.4014 118.523 76.5599 c
+116.741 76.8465 115.229 77.6229 113.743 76.2892 c
+112.805 75.4467 113.006 74.657 113.006 73.4205 c
+113.121 72.9094 113.569 71.2846 113.569 70.7888 c
+112.54 70.8024 m
+111.897 72.0885 111.86 74.2406 110.585 75.1462 c
+109.981 75.576 107.912 75.6808 107.214 75.4484 c
+106.724 75.2851 106.373 74.7559 106.027 74.4095 c
+105.087 73.4698 104.431 72.0363 104.431 70.7009 c
+101.387 70.7216 m
+100.435 71.9918 98.2462 72.4301 97.0247 71.1409 c
+96.8801 71.0068 96.6052 70.7772 96.0915 70.388 c
+94.588 70.6593 m
+95.3302 71.0054 95.6213 71.8212 95.9603 72.5171 c
+96.561 73.7499 98.571 75.6363 97.6602 77.1169 c
+97.3518 77.6183 l
+97.063 78.124 95.8361 79.0019 95.7069 79.1312 c
+95.509 79.329 94.9892 79.5357 94.7496 79.6525 c
+90.7346 81.6135 86.2429 80.9354 82.0379 80.1471 c
+81.4945 80.0454 80.7354 79.496 80.1915 79.496 c
+80.855 88.9875 m
+81.4486 88.839 81.943 88.619 82.5326 88.4566 c
+83.9216 88.0751 85.6935 87.8542 86.9841 87.1708 c
+87.3753 86.9639 87.8251 86.5772 88.2209 86.3794 c
+88.9627 86.0333 89.3091 85.2418 89.2595 84.4008 c
+89.2595 84.2032 88.8592 83.7624 88.7155 83.6096 c
+88.0678 82.9214 86.6839 82.482 85.7972 82.175 c
+84.1118 81.5919 82.1369 80.7407 80.3068 80.7407 c
+80.2575 80.6914 l
+81.2564 90.302 m
+81.7865 90.031 81.8707 90.1115 82.3007 89.9334 c
+83.7949 89.3152 85.8009 89.932 87.1823 90.5344 c
+88.1222 90.944 89.2116 91.7442 89.2116 92.8407 c
+92.2753 92.7032 m
+92.9678 91.6646 93.7564 90.8221 94.8982 90.2869 c
+95.3392 90.0803 95.9901 89.7098 96.481 89.5944 c
+98.5129 89.1165 100.233 88.7908 102.318 89.1987 c
+102.511 89.2367 102.58 89.2282 103.109 89.3966 c
+105.253 90.0783 107.678 91.2292 109.638 92.3148 c
+109.697 92.3474 110.336 92.8129 110.352 92.8129 c
+114.93 92.7352 m
+114.815 91.7541 114.609 90.9627 114.61 90.427 c
+114.611 88.8645 114.327 87.8086 114.634 86.6268 c
+115.198 84.4504 118.458 82.8638 119.975 82.7193 c
+123.178 82.4137 126.158 83.2958 129.076 84.3515 c
+129.123 84.3682 129.274 84.4008 129.373 84.4008 c
+129.423 84.4997 129.818 84.6483 129.967 84.6483 c
+0.8 0.8 0.8 rgb
+1 j
+1 J
+81.6246 86.9766 m
+82.6698 86.9766 l
+82.6698 79.2655 l
+81.6246 79.2655 l
+81.6246 86.9766 l
+84.0446 82.4667 m
+84.0446 82.7598 84.0959 83.0368 84.1988 83.297 c
+84.3014 83.5575 84.4553 83.8013 84.6606 84.0286 c
+84.8734 84.2486 85.1226 84.4155 85.4086 84.5292 c
+85.6946 84.6429 86.0209 84.6996 86.3877 84.6996 c
+86.4464 84.6996 86.5104 84.6959 86.5802 84.6885 c
+86.6499 84.6811 86.725 84.6704 86.8058 84.6556 c
+86.8863 84.6409 86.9688 84.6227 87.0533 84.6006 c
+87.1375 84.5785 87.2236 84.5493 87.3118 84.5125 c
+87.4657 84.4467 87.6123 84.3622 87.7517 84.2596 c
+87.8909 84.157 88.0267 84.0323 88.1588 83.8857 c
+88.2906 83.7463 88.3898 83.5739 88.4559 83.3687 c
+88.5216 83.1632 88.5548 82.9285 88.5548 82.6646 c
+88.5548 82.6572 88.5548 82.6481 88.5548 82.6371 c
+88.5548 82.626 88.5548 82.6133 88.5548 82.5985 c
+88.5548 82.5911 88.5548 82.5821 88.5548 82.571 c
+88.5548 82.56 88.5548 82.5472 88.5548 82.5325 c
+88.5548 79.2655 l
+87.5097 79.2655 l
+87.5097 82.3786 l
+87.5097 82.5398 87.4858 82.6994 87.4382 82.857 c
+87.3906 83.0146 87.3192 83.1632 87.2236 83.3026 c
+87.1284 83.4492 87.0037 83.5592 86.8497 83.6326 c
+86.6958 83.706 86.5124 83.7426 86.2998 83.7426 c
+86.1017 83.7426 85.9276 83.7097 85.7771 83.6437 c
+85.6269 83.5776 85.4968 83.4787 85.3868 83.3466 c
+85.2768 83.2145 85.1906 83.0733 85.1283 82.9231 c
+85.0659 82.7729 85.0237 82.6133 85.0016 82.4446 c
+85.0016 79.2655 l
+84.0446 79.2655 l
+84.0446 82.4667 l
+89.6767 85.8436 m
+90.7108 85.8436 l
+90.7108 84.5456 l
+92.7126 84.5456 l
+92.7126 83.5997 l
+90.7108 83.5997 l
+90.7108 80.9156 l
+90.7108 80.813 90.7179 80.7211 90.7326 80.6406 c
+90.7474 80.5598 90.7695 80.483 90.7987 80.4096 c
+90.8279 80.3362 90.8922 80.2832 90.9912 80.25 c
+91.0901 80.2171 91.2276 80.2007 91.4036 80.2007 c
+92.6248 80.2225 l
+92.6248 79.2655 l
+91.3268 79.2655 l
+91.3194 79.2655 91.312 79.2655 91.3047 79.2655 c
+91.2973 79.2655 91.2899 79.2655 91.2826 79.2655 c
+91.2755 79.2655 91.2698 79.2655 91.2661 79.2655 c
+91.2624 79.2655 91.2571 79.2619 91.2497 79.2545 c
+91.2423 79.2545 91.2349 79.2545 91.2276 79.2545 c
+91.2205 79.2545 91.2131 79.2545 91.2057 79.2545 c
+91.1984 79.2545 91.193 79.2545 91.1893 79.2545 c
+91.1856 79.2545 91.18 79.2545 91.1726 79.2545 c
+90.9234 79.2545 90.7071 79.2913 90.5237 79.3645 c
+90.3403 79.4379 90.1901 79.5516 90.0727 79.7055 c
+89.9554 79.8597 89.8655 80.0247 89.8032 80.2007 c
+89.7408 80.3764 89.7023 80.5598 89.6878 80.7506 c
+89.6804 80.7654 89.6767 80.7818 89.6767 80.7999 c
+89.6767 80.8184 89.6767 80.8385 89.6767 80.8606 c
+89.6767 80.8753 89.6767 80.8918 89.6767 80.9099 c
+89.6767 80.9283 89.6767 80.9485 89.6767 80.9706 c
+89.6767 80.9927 l
+89.6767 85.8436 l
+96.7829 83.1595 m
+96.7682 83.1669 96.7534 83.1762 96.7387 83.187 c
+96.7242 83.198 96.7095 83.2145 96.6948 83.2366 c
+96.68 83.2513 96.6636 83.2695 96.6454 83.2916 c
+96.627 83.3137 96.6069 83.3355 96.5848 83.3576 c
+96.5629 83.3724 96.5388 83.3888 96.5133 83.407 c
+96.4875 83.4254 96.4637 83.4455 96.4419 83.4676 c
+96.4124 83.4824 96.3832 83.4988 96.3537 83.5172 c
+96.3246 83.5354 96.2914 83.5518 96.2548 83.5666 c
+96.1814 83.6031 96.0952 83.6289 95.9963 83.6437 c
+95.8974 83.6584 95.7854 83.6655 95.6607 83.6655 c
+95.3747 83.6655 95.1235 83.6142 94.9072 83.5116 c
+94.6909 83.4089 94.5095 83.2587 94.3627 83.0606 c
+94.2161 82.8627 94.1062 82.6535 94.0327 82.4335 c
+93.9593 82.2136 93.9228 81.9862 93.9228 81.7515 c
+93.9228 81.7442 93.9228 81.7368 93.9228 81.7297 c
+93.9228 81.7186 l
+93.9228 81.5058 93.9613 81.3025 94.0384 81.1081 c
+94.1152 80.9136 94.2272 80.7285 94.3737 80.5525 c
+94.5206 80.3764 94.702 80.2446 94.9183 80.1565 c
+95.1346 80.0686 95.382 80.0247 95.6607 80.0247 c
+95.9614 80.0247 96.2126 80.0592 96.4144 80.129 c
+96.616 80.1987 96.7682 80.3033 96.8708 80.4425 c
+96.9734 80.5893 97.0669 80.7617 97.1514 80.9595 c
+97.2356 81.1577 97.3107 81.3813 97.3768 81.6305 c
+97.3768 81.6415 l
+97.3878 81.6526 l
+97.3878 81.6637 l
+98.3448 81.6087 l
+98.3448 81.5939 98.3448 81.5812 98.3448 81.5701 c
+98.3448 81.5591 98.3485 81.55 98.3559 81.5426 c
+98.3559 81.5279 98.3559 81.5168 98.3559 81.5094 c
+98.3559 81.5024 98.3559 81.4913 98.3559 81.4766 c
+98.3559 81.4692 98.3559 81.4601 98.3559 81.4491 c
+98.3559 81.438 98.3595 81.4289 98.3669 81.4216 c
+98.3669 81.4068 98.3669 81.3958 98.3669 81.3887 c
+98.3669 81.3813 98.3669 81.374 98.3669 81.3666 c
+98.3669 81.3079 98.3632 81.2475 98.3559 81.1852 c
+98.3485 81.1228 98.3374 81.0585 98.323 80.9927 c
+98.3156 80.9632 98.3063 80.9303 98.2952 80.8935 c
+98.2844 80.8569 98.2751 80.824 98.2677 80.7946 c
+98.2532 80.758 98.2402 80.7231 98.2294 80.69 c
+98.2184 80.6571 98.2056 80.6222 98.1909 80.5856 c
+98.1027 80.4022 97.9854 80.2225 97.8388 80.0465 c
+97.6923 79.8705 97.5126 79.7055 97.3 79.5516 c
+97.0944 79.3976 96.8543 79.282 96.5794 79.2052 c
+96.3044 79.1281 95.9983 79.0895 95.6607 79.0895 c
+95.272 79.0895 94.9129 79.1502 94.5827 79.2709 c
+94.2527 79.392 93.9559 79.5774 93.6917 79.8265 c
+93.4205 80.0833 93.2189 80.3711 93.0868 80.69 c
+92.9547 81.0091 92.8887 81.3629 92.8887 81.7515 c
+92.8887 82.1623 92.9437 82.5254 93.0536 82.8406 c
+93.1636 83.1558 93.3289 83.4274 93.5489 83.6547 c
+93.7688 83.882 93.9999 84.0688 94.2417 84.2157 c
+94.4837 84.3622 94.7369 84.4685 95.0008 84.5346 c
+95.0303 84.542 95.0577 84.5473 95.0833 84.551 c
+95.1091 84.5547 95.1366 84.5604 95.1657 84.5675 c
+95.1952 84.5675 95.2227 84.5695 95.2482 84.5731 c
+95.274 84.5768 95.3015 84.5822 95.3307 84.5896 c
+95.3894 84.5969 95.4464 84.6023 95.5014 84.606 c
+95.5564 84.6097 95.6094 84.6117 95.6607 84.6117 c
+95.9614 84.6117 96.2421 84.5695 96.5023 84.485 c
+96.7628 84.4008 97.0029 84.2744 97.2229 84.1057 c
+97.4354 83.937 97.6279 83.75 97.8003 83.5447 c
+97.9726 83.3392 98.1248 83.1192 98.2569 82.8845 c
+94.6158 80.9156 l
+94.1867 81.6855 l
+96.7829 83.1595 l
+99.6431 84.5456 m
+101.282 80.3875 l
+102.756 84.5456 l
+103.889 84.5456 l
+102.063 79.7826 l
+102.019 79.6726 101.969 79.5791 101.914 79.502 c
+101.859 79.4251 101.799 79.3608 101.733 79.3095 c
+101.667 79.2655 101.599 79.229 101.53 79.1995 c
+101.46 79.1703 101.385 79.1519 101.304 79.1445 c
+101.297 79.1445 101.291 79.1445 101.287 79.1445 c
+101.284 79.1445 101.278 79.1445 101.271 79.1445 c
+101.264 79.1445 101.256 79.1445 101.249 79.1445 c
+101.168 79.1445 101.09 79.1556 101.012 79.1777 c
+100.935 79.1995 100.857 79.2327 100.776 79.2766 c
+100.703 79.3353 100.637 79.403 100.578 79.4801 c
+100.519 79.5569 100.468 79.6505 100.424 79.7605 c
+98.5101 84.5456 l
+99.6431 84.5456 l
+108.388 82.3015 m
+108.388 82.463 108.357 82.6223 108.294 82.7802 c
+108.232 82.9378 108.139 83.0864 108.014 83.2255 c
+107.889 83.3724 107.713 83.4824 107.486 83.5555 c
+107.259 83.6289 106.984 83.6655 106.661 83.6655 c
+106.609 83.6655 106.556 83.6618 106.501 83.6547 c
+106.447 83.6473 106.386 83.6363 106.32 83.6215 c
+106.254 83.6142 106.188 83.5997 106.122 83.5776 c
+106.056 83.5555 105.99 83.5263 105.924 83.4897 c
+105.807 83.4381 105.693 83.3667 105.583 83.2751 c
+105.473 83.1833 105.367 83.0753 105.264 82.9506 c
+105.169 82.8332 105.092 82.6884 105.033 82.516 c
+104.974 82.3437 104.938 82.1475 104.923 81.9276 c
+104.923 81.6342 104.963 81.3793 105.044 81.1631 c
+105.125 80.9468 105.245 80.7654 105.407 80.6185 c
+105.576 80.4793 105.75 80.3674 105.929 80.2832 c
+106.109 80.1987 106.298 80.1454 106.496 80.1236 c
+106.503 80.1236 106.513 80.1236 106.523 80.1236 c
+106.534 80.1236 106.544 80.1236 106.551 80.1236 c
+106.566 80.1162 106.578 80.1125 106.589 80.1125 c
+106.6 80.1125 106.609 80.1125 106.617 80.1125 c
+106.632 80.1125 106.643 80.1125 106.65 80.1125 c
+106.657 80.1125 106.668 80.1125 106.683 80.1125 c
+106.69 80.1125 106.699 80.1125 106.71 80.1125 c
+106.721 80.1125 106.731 80.1125 106.738 80.1125 c
+106.826 80.1125 106.909 80.1179 106.985 80.129 c
+107.062 80.14 107.138 80.1602 107.211 80.1896 c
+107.248 80.2041 107.282 80.2188 107.315 80.2336 c
+107.348 80.2483 107.383 80.2628 107.42 80.2775 c
+107.449 80.2996 107.482 80.3214 107.519 80.3436 c
+107.556 80.3657 107.589 80.3912 107.618 80.4207 c
+107.655 80.4425 107.689 80.47 107.722 80.5032 c
+107.756 80.536 107.79 80.5672 107.827 80.5967 c
+107.864 80.6333 107.9 80.6681 107.937 80.701 c
+107.974 80.7342 108.01 80.7688 108.047 80.8056 c
+108.047 79.6066 l
+108.04 79.5918 108.032 79.5808 108.025 79.5737 c
+108.025 79.5626 l
+107.937 79.5039 107.845 79.4506 107.75 79.403 c
+107.655 79.3554 107.556 79.3132 107.453 79.2766 c
+107.35 79.2471 107.225 79.2233 107.079 79.2052 c
+106.932 79.1867 106.764 79.1777 106.573 79.1777 c
+106.566 79.1777 106.56 79.1777 106.556 79.1777 c
+106.553 79.1777 106.547 79.1777 106.54 79.1777 c
+106.533 79.1777 106.522 79.1777 106.507 79.1777 c
+106.5 79.1777 106.492 79.1777 106.485 79.1777 c
+106.478 79.1777 106.47 79.1777 106.463 79.1777 c
+106.456 79.1777 106.45 79.1777 106.447 79.1777 c
+106.443 79.1777 106.437 79.1777 106.43 79.1777 c
+106.092 79.1777 105.779 79.238 105.49 79.3591 c
+105.2 79.4801 104.934 79.6652 104.692 79.9147 c
+104.45 80.1712 104.268 80.4663 104.147 80.7999 c
+104.026 81.1339 103.966 81.5094 103.966 81.9276 c
+103.966 82.2944 104.025 82.6354 104.142 82.9506 c
+104.259 83.2658 104.435 83.5555 104.67 83.8197 c
+104.904 84.0836 105.194 84.2817 105.539 84.4135 c
+105.884 84.5456 106.283 84.6117 106.738 84.6117 c
+107.17 84.6117 107.556 84.553 107.893 84.4357 c
+108.23 84.3183 108.513 84.1423 108.74 83.9076 c
+108.975 83.6729 109.149 83.4254 109.262 83.1652 c
+109.376 82.9047 109.433 82.6354 109.433 82.3564 c
+109.433 79.2655 l
+108.388 79.2655 l
+108.388 82.3015 l
+110.467 85.8436 m
+111.501 85.8436 l
+111.501 84.5456 l
+113.503 84.5456 l
+113.503 83.5997 l
+111.501 83.5997 l
+111.501 80.9156 l
+111.501 80.813 111.508 80.7211 111.523 80.6406 c
+111.538 80.5598 111.56 80.483 111.589 80.4096 c
+111.618 80.3362 111.683 80.2832 111.782 80.25 c
+111.881 80.2171 112.018 80.2007 112.194 80.2007 c
+113.415 80.2225 l
+113.415 79.2655 l
+112.117 79.2655 l
+112.11 79.2655 112.102 79.2655 112.095 79.2655 c
+112.088 79.2655 112.08 79.2655 112.073 79.2655 c
+112.066 79.2655 112.06 79.2655 112.057 79.2655 c
+112.053 79.2655 112.047 79.2619 112.04 79.2545 c
+112.033 79.2545 112.025 79.2545 112.018 79.2545 c
+112.011 79.2545 112.004 79.2545 111.996 79.2545 c
+111.989 79.2545 111.983 79.2545 111.98 79.2545 c
+111.976 79.2545 111.97 79.2545 111.963 79.2545 c
+111.714 79.2545 111.498 79.2913 111.314 79.3645 c
+111.131 79.4379 110.981 79.5516 110.863 79.7055 c
+110.746 79.8597 110.656 80.0247 110.594 80.2007 c
+110.531 80.3764 110.493 80.5598 110.478 80.7506 c
+110.471 80.7654 110.467 80.7818 110.467 80.7999 c
+110.467 80.8184 110.467 80.8385 110.467 80.8606 c
+110.467 80.8753 110.467 80.8918 110.467 80.9099 c
+110.467 80.9283 110.467 80.9485 110.467 80.9706 c
+110.467 80.9927 l
+110.467 85.8436 l
+114.449 84.5456 m
+115.406 84.5456 l
+115.406 79.2655 l
+114.449 79.2655 l
+114.449 84.5456 l
+114.372 85.7665 m
+114.372 85.8473 114.387 85.9224 114.416 85.9922 c
+114.446 86.0619 114.493 86.1223 114.559 86.1736 c
+114.618 86.2175 114.682 86.2524 114.752 86.2782 c
+114.821 86.3037 114.893 86.3167 114.966 86.3167 c
+115.047 86.3167 115.12 86.3057 115.186 86.2836 c
+115.252 86.2617 115.318 86.2249 115.384 86.1736 c
+115.45 86.1223 115.5 86.0619 115.533 85.9922 c
+115.566 85.9224 115.582 85.8399 115.582 85.7447 c
+115.582 85.6492 115.566 85.565 115.533 85.4916 c
+115.5 85.4181 115.454 85.3561 115.395 85.3045 c
+115.329 85.2532 115.263 85.2166 115.197 85.1945 c
+115.131 85.1727 115.062 85.1616 114.988 85.1616 c
+114.915 85.1542 114.842 85.1616 114.768 85.1837 c
+114.695 85.2055 114.625 85.2424 114.559 85.2937 c
+114.493 85.345 114.446 85.4091 114.416 85.4862 c
+114.387 85.563 114.372 85.6492 114.372 85.7447 c
+114.372 85.7665 l
+116.792 82.0375 m
+116.792 82.4409 116.862 82.804 117.001 83.1266 c
+117.14 83.4492 117.346 83.7315 117.617 83.9736 c
+117.896 84.2157 118.191 84.3971 118.503 84.5181 c
+118.814 84.6392 119.143 84.6996 119.487 84.6996 c
+119.502 84.6996 119.518 84.6996 119.537 84.6996 c
+119.555 84.6996 119.571 84.6996 119.586 84.6996 c
+119.601 84.6922 119.617 84.6885 119.636 84.6885 c
+119.654 84.6885 119.674 84.6885 119.696 84.6885 c
+119.711 84.6885 119.727 84.6885 119.746 84.6885 c
+119.764 84.6885 119.784 84.6885 119.806 84.6885 c
+119.821 84.6811 119.837 84.6777 119.856 84.6777 c
+119.874 84.6777 119.89 84.6777 119.905 84.6777 c
+120.199 84.6335 120.479 84.5473 120.747 84.4192 c
+121.014 84.2908 121.273 84.1202 121.522 83.9076 c
+121.764 83.6876 121.947 83.4126 122.072 83.0827 c
+122.197 82.7527 122.259 82.3675 122.259 81.9276 c
+122.259 81.8984 122.259 81.8689 122.259 81.8397 c
+122.259 81.8102 122.256 81.7847 122.248 81.7626 c
+122.248 81.7331 122.246 81.7039 122.243 81.6747 c
+122.239 81.6452 122.237 81.616 122.237 81.5865 c
+122.23 81.5279 122.221 81.4692 122.21 81.4105 c
+122.199 81.3518 122.186 81.2932 122.171 81.2345 c
+122.105 80.9706 122.004 80.7194 121.869 80.481 c
+121.733 80.2426 121.559 80.0173 121.346 79.8044 c
+121.141 79.5918 120.895 79.4342 120.609 79.3316 c
+120.323 79.229 120.004 79.1777 119.652 79.1777 c
+119.153 79.1777 118.723 79.2454 118.36 79.3809 c
+117.997 79.5167 117.701 79.7239 117.474 80.0025 c
+117.247 80.2812 117.076 80.5893 116.962 80.9266 c
+116.849 81.264 116.792 81.6268 116.792 82.0154 c
+116.792 82.0375 l
+117.837 82.0375 m
+117.837 81.9789 117.837 81.9259 117.837 81.878 c
+117.837 81.8303 117.841 81.781 117.848 81.7297 c
+117.855 81.6781 117.865 81.6288 117.876 81.5812 c
+117.887 81.5335 117.896 81.4839 117.903 81.4326 c
+117.94 81.2713 117.999 81.1134 118.079 80.9595 c
+118.16 80.8056 118.259 80.6588 118.376 80.5196 c
+118.501 80.3801 118.655 80.2775 118.838 80.2115 c
+119.022 80.1454 119.238 80.1125 119.487 80.1125 c
+119.722 80.1125 119.942 80.1454 120.147 80.2115 c
+120.352 80.2775 120.54 80.3764 120.708 80.5085 c
+120.877 80.6406 121.003 80.8331 121.088 81.086 c
+121.172 81.3391 121.214 81.6489 121.214 82.0154 c
+121.214 82.2722 121.178 82.505 121.104 82.7142 c
+121.031 82.9231 120.921 83.1082 120.774 83.2695 c
+120.627 83.4237 120.446 83.541 120.23 83.6215 c
+120.013 83.7023 119.766 83.7426 119.487 83.7426 c
+119.223 83.7426 118.996 83.7077 118.805 83.638 c
+118.615 83.5685 118.457 83.4603 118.332 83.3137 c
+118.207 83.1742 118.107 83.024 118.03 82.8627 c
+117.953 82.7011 117.899 82.5362 117.87 82.3675 c
+117.863 82.3383 117.855 82.3088 117.848 82.2796 c
+117.841 82.2501 117.837 82.2209 117.837 82.1915 c
+117.837 82.1623 117.837 82.1328 117.837 82.1036 c
+117.837 82.0741 117.837 82.0449 117.837 82.0154 c
+117.837 82.0375 l
+123.205 82.4667 m
+123.205 82.7598 123.257 83.0368 123.359 83.297 c
+123.462 83.5575 123.616 83.8013 123.821 84.0286 c
+124.034 84.2486 124.283 84.4155 124.569 84.5292 c
+124.855 84.6429 125.182 84.6996 125.548 84.6996 c
+125.607 84.6996 125.671 84.6959 125.741 84.6885 c
+125.811 84.6811 125.886 84.6704 125.966 84.6556 c
+126.047 84.6409 126.129 84.6227 126.214 84.6006 c
+126.298 84.5785 126.384 84.5493 126.472 84.5125 c
+126.626 84.4467 126.773 84.3622 126.912 84.2596 c
+127.052 84.157 127.187 84.0323 127.319 83.8857 c
+127.451 83.7463 127.55 83.5739 127.616 83.3687 c
+127.682 83.1632 127.715 82.9285 127.715 82.6646 c
+127.715 82.6572 127.715 82.6481 127.715 82.6371 c
+127.715 82.626 127.715 82.6133 127.715 82.5985 c
+127.715 82.5911 127.715 82.5821 127.715 82.571 c
+127.715 82.56 127.715 82.5472 127.715 82.5325 c
+127.715 79.2655 l
+126.67 79.2655 l
+126.67 82.3786 l
+126.67 82.5398 126.646 82.6994 126.599 82.857 c
+126.551 83.0146 126.48 83.1632 126.384 83.3026 c
+126.289 83.4492 126.164 83.5592 126.01 83.6326 c
+125.856 83.706 125.673 83.7426 125.46 83.7426 c
+125.262 83.7426 125.088 83.7097 124.938 83.6437 c
+124.788 83.5776 124.657 83.4787 124.547 83.3466 c
+124.437 83.2145 124.351 83.0733 124.289 82.9231 c
+124.227 82.7729 124.184 82.6133 124.162 82.4446 c
+124.162 79.2655 l
+123.205 79.2655 l
+123.205 82.4667 l
+0 0 0 rgb
+113.172 76.343 m
+113.172 76.6049 113.208 76.8397 113.279 77.0474 c
+113.35 77.2549 113.455 77.4355 113.593 77.5889 c
+113.736 77.7422 113.883 77.8732 114.037 77.9817 c
+114.19 78.0903 114.351 78.1745 114.519 78.2343 c
+114.549 78.2456 114.58 78.2558 114.612 78.2652 c
+114.644 78.2746 114.676 78.2848 114.71 78.2961 c
+114.74 78.3035 114.771 78.3111 114.803 78.3185 c
+114.835 78.3259 114.865 78.3315 114.895 78.3352 c
+114.959 78.3465 115.02 78.3551 115.078 78.3607 c
+115.136 78.3661 115.193 78.3689 115.249 78.3689 c
+115.402 78.3689 115.55 78.3539 115.692 78.3242 c
+115.835 78.2941 115.969 78.2513 116.096 78.1952 c
+116.223 78.1391 116.349 78.0659 116.472 77.9761 c
+116.596 77.8865 116.718 77.7816 116.837 77.662 c
+116.484 77.2745 l
+116.469 77.2821 116.454 77.2915 116.441 77.3026 c
+116.428 77.3139 116.414 77.3269 116.4 77.3419 c
+116.392 77.3493 116.384 77.357 116.377 77.3643 c
+116.369 77.372 116.362 77.3794 116.354 77.3867 c
+116.343 77.3944 116.334 77.4018 116.326 77.4094 c
+116.319 77.4168 116.311 77.4242 116.304 77.4318 c
+116.237 77.4879 116.164 77.5412 116.085 77.5917 c
+116.007 77.6421 115.922 77.6917 115.833 77.7405 c
+115.743 77.7853 115.649 77.8199 115.552 77.8443 c
+115.455 77.8686 115.354 77.8808 115.249 77.8808 c
+115.021 77.8808 114.819 77.8479 114.645 77.7825 c
+114.472 77.717 114.325 77.6189 114.205 77.4879 c
+114.089 77.3607 113.995 77.2252 113.921 77.0809 c
+113.849 76.9369 113.799 76.7864 113.773 76.6293 c
+113.769 76.603 113.764 76.5777 113.759 76.5534 c
+113.753 76.5293 113.75 76.5037 113.75 76.4777 c
+113.747 76.4516 113.745 76.4264 113.745 76.402 c
+113.745 76.3776 113.745 76.3541 113.745 76.3317 c
+113.745 76.1446 113.776 75.964 113.837 75.7903 c
+113.899 75.6162 113.992 75.4507 114.115 75.2934 c
+114.239 75.1363 114.395 75.0156 114.584 74.9314 c
+114.773 74.8472 114.994 74.7996 115.249 74.7885 c
+115.253 74.7885 115.255 74.7885 115.257 74.7885 c
+115.259 74.7885 115.262 74.7885 115.266 74.7885 c
+115.269 74.7885 115.273 74.7885 115.277 74.7885 c
+115.281 74.7885 115.284 74.7885 115.288 74.7885 c
+115.296 74.7885 115.301 74.7885 115.305 74.7885 c
+115.309 74.7885 115.312 74.7885 115.313 74.7885 c
+115.315 74.7885 115.318 74.7885 115.322 74.7885 c
+115.49 74.7845 115.644 74.8072 115.782 74.8557 c
+115.92 74.9044 116.042 74.9793 116.147 75.0802 c
+116.255 75.1774 116.346 75.2814 116.419 75.3917 c
+116.492 75.502 116.549 75.6171 116.59 75.737 c
+116.601 75.7667 116.612 75.7957 116.621 75.8237 c
+116.631 75.8518 116.637 75.879 116.641 75.9054 c
+116.644 75.9201 116.647 75.9343 116.649 75.9473 c
+116.651 75.9603 116.652 75.9745 116.652 75.9895 c
+116.656 76.0006 116.659 76.0128 116.66 76.0258 c
+116.662 76.0389 116.663 76.053 116.663 76.0681 c
+115.294 76.0791 l
+115.294 76.6123 l
+117.236 76.6123 l
+117.236 76.1242 l
+117.213 75.8285 117.148 75.5695 117.039 75.3469 c
+116.931 75.1241 116.781 74.9342 116.59 74.7772 c
+116.396 74.6201 116.187 74.5031 115.964 74.4262 c
+115.742 74.3497 115.503 74.3114 115.249 74.3114 c
+114.95 74.3114 114.676 74.3571 114.429 74.4489 c
+114.183 74.5405 113.964 74.6816 113.773 74.8727 c
+113.582 75.0595 113.436 75.2758 113.335 75.5207 c
+113.234 75.7659 113.18 76.0363 113.172 76.3317 c
+113.172 76.343 l
+117.724 76.2138 m
+117.724 76.33 117.746 76.4394 117.791 76.5423 c
+117.836 76.6452 117.905 76.7396 117.999 76.8258 c
+118.092 76.9117 118.201 76.9763 118.324 77.0194 c
+118.448 77.0622 118.586 77.0837 118.74 77.0837 c
+118.848 77.0837 118.944 77.0755 119.026 77.0585 c
+119.108 77.0418 119.175 77.0182 119.228 76.9885 c
+119.28 76.9584 119.329 76.9219 119.374 76.8791 c
+119.419 76.836 119.458 76.7864 119.492 76.7302 c
+119.525 76.775 119.567 76.8173 119.615 76.8564 c
+119.664 76.8958 119.722 76.9341 119.789 76.9715 c
+119.857 77.0089 119.931 77.0369 120.014 77.0557 c
+120.096 77.0744 120.188 77.0837 120.289 77.0837 c
+120.416 77.0837 120.536 77.0661 120.648 77.0304 c
+120.76 76.995 120.865 76.9397 120.962 76.8649 c
+121.059 76.7937 121.133 76.7124 121.184 76.6208 c
+121.234 76.5293 121.261 76.4272 121.265 76.315 c
+121.265 76.3113 121.265 76.3084 121.265 76.3065 c
+121.265 76.3048 121.265 76.3019 121.265 76.298 c
+121.265 76.2943 121.265 76.2914 121.265 76.2897 c
+121.265 76.2878 121.265 76.2849 121.265 76.2812 c
+121.261 76.2775 121.26 76.2747 121.26 76.2727 c
+121.26 76.271 121.26 76.2682 121.26 76.2645 c
+121.26 76.2605 121.26 76.258 121.26 76.256 c
+121.26 76.254 121.26 76.2512 121.26 76.2475 c
+121.26 74.3562 l
+120.771 74.3562 l
+120.771 76.0791 l
+120.771 76.0754 120.771 76.0746 120.771 76.0763 c
+120.771 76.0783 120.773 76.0791 120.777 76.0791 c
+120.777 76.0828 120.777 76.0856 120.777 76.0876 c
+120.777 76.0896 120.777 76.0922 120.777 76.0961 c
+120.777 76.1035 120.777 76.11 120.777 76.1157 c
+120.777 76.1214 120.777 76.1259 120.777 76.1296 c
+120.777 76.1409 120.776 76.1523 120.774 76.1633 c
+120.772 76.1746 120.769 76.1877 120.766 76.2027 c
+120.762 76.2138 120.759 76.226 120.757 76.2393 c
+120.756 76.2523 120.753 76.2662 120.749 76.2812 c
+120.734 76.326 120.712 76.3691 120.682 76.4102 c
+120.651 76.4516 120.616 76.4907 120.575 76.5281 c
+120.534 76.5655 120.489 76.5936 120.44 76.6123 c
+120.392 76.631 120.341 76.6404 120.289 76.6404 c
+120.221 76.6404 120.159 76.6282 120.101 76.6038 c
+120.043 76.5797 119.989 76.5432 119.941 76.4944 c
+119.892 76.4459 119.854 76.3943 119.826 76.3402 c
+119.798 76.286 119.778 76.2288 119.767 76.169 c
+119.763 76.1616 119.76 76.1531 119.758 76.1437 c
+119.756 76.1344 119.755 76.1259 119.755 76.1185 c
+119.755 76.1072 119.755 76.0978 119.755 76.0905 c
+119.755 76.0828 119.755 76.0754 119.755 76.0681 c
+119.755 74.3562 l
+119.273 74.3562 l
+119.273 76.0343 l
+119.273 76.1165 119.262 76.1934 119.239 76.2645 c
+119.217 76.3354 119.183 76.4008 119.138 76.4609 c
+119.093 76.5208 119.037 76.5655 118.97 76.5956 c
+118.903 76.6254 118.826 76.6404 118.74 76.6404 c
+118.631 76.6293 118.541 76.6049 118.47 76.5675 c
+118.399 76.5301 118.347 76.4797 118.313 76.4159 c
+118.279 76.3524 118.254 76.2849 118.237 76.2138 c
+118.22 76.1429 118.212 76.0698 118.212 75.9949 c
+118.212 75.9912 118.212 75.9876 118.212 75.9839 c
+118.212 75.9782 l
+118.212 74.3562 l
+117.724 74.3562 l
+117.724 76.2138 l
+122.23 78.2456 m
+122.23 75.7256 l
+122.23 75.576 122.249 75.4422 122.286 75.3242 c
+122.324 75.2066 122.378 75.1026 122.449 75.0127 c
+122.524 74.9231 122.613 74.8557 122.716 74.8109 c
+122.819 74.7658 122.936 74.7434 123.067 74.7434 c
+123.19 74.7434 123.3 74.7613 123.398 74.7967 c
+123.495 74.8324 123.579 74.8857 123.65 74.9566 c
+123.718 75.0277 123.774 75.1026 123.819 75.1811 c
+123.864 75.2599 123.897 75.3401 123.92 75.4226 c
+123.927 75.4413 123.932 75.4609 123.934 75.4816 c
+123.936 75.502 123.939 75.5235 123.942 75.5459 c
+123.946 75.5686 123.949 75.5899 123.95 75.6105 c
+123.952 75.6312 123.953 75.6508 123.953 75.6695 c
+123.953 75.8192 123.934 75.9501 123.894 76.0624 c
+123.855 76.1746 123.798 76.2662 123.723 76.3374 c
+123.649 76.4122 123.569 76.4711 123.485 76.5142 c
+123.401 76.5573 123.313 76.5843 123.224 76.5956 c
+123.213 76.5956 123.202 76.5956 123.193 76.5956 c
+123.184 76.5956 123.175 76.5956 123.168 76.5956 c
+123.164 76.5956 123.159 76.5956 123.154 76.5956 c
+123.148 76.5956 123.143 76.5973 123.14 76.6013 c
+123.132 76.6013 123.126 76.6013 123.123 76.6013 c
+123.119 76.6013 123.115 76.6013 123.112 76.6013 c
+123.056 76.6013 123.003 76.5973 122.954 76.5899 c
+122.906 76.5826 122.861 76.5712 122.82 76.5562 c
+122.779 76.5412 122.738 76.5253 122.699 76.5086 c
+122.66 76.4918 122.62 76.474 122.578 76.4553 c
+122.573 76.4496 l
+122.567 76.4496 l
+122.56 76.4459 122.552 76.4422 122.545 76.4383 c
+122.537 76.4346 122.532 76.4329 122.528 76.4329 c
+122.52 76.4289 122.514 76.4252 122.508 76.4215 c
+122.503 76.4179 122.496 76.4142 122.489 76.4102 c
+122.474 76.4065 122.46 76.402 122.446 76.3963 c
+122.433 76.3906 122.419 76.3841 122.404 76.3768 c
+122.404 76.8762 l
+122.446 76.8949 122.486 76.9136 122.525 76.9323 c
+122.564 76.9511 122.605 76.9678 122.646 76.9828 c
+122.687 76.9978 122.728 77.0109 122.769 77.0222 c
+122.81 77.0333 122.853 77.0426 122.898 77.0503 c
+122.917 77.054 122.936 77.0568 122.957 77.0585 c
+122.978 77.0605 122.999 77.0633 123.022 77.067 c
+123.033 77.067 123.043 77.067 123.053 77.067 c
+123.062 77.067 123.072 77.069 123.084 77.0727 c
+123.091 77.0727 123.1 77.0727 123.112 77.0727 c
+123.123 77.0727 123.134 77.0727 123.145 77.0727 c
+123.321 77.0727 123.486 77.0435 123.639 76.9856 c
+123.793 76.9275 123.937 76.8388 124.071 76.7189 c
+124.206 76.603 124.308 76.4646 124.377 76.3036 c
+124.446 76.1429 124.481 75.9615 124.481 75.7594 c
+124.481 75.5723 124.451 75.3926 124.391 75.2205 c
+124.331 75.0484 124.242 74.8838 124.122 74.7267 c
+124.006 74.5694 123.859 74.4534 123.681 74.3786 c
+123.503 74.3038 123.298 74.2664 123.067 74.2664 c
+122.835 74.2664 122.633 74.3029 122.461 74.3758 c
+122.288 74.4489 122.146 74.56 122.034 74.7097 c
+121.922 74.8633 121.837 75.0269 121.781 75.2009 c
+121.725 75.375 121.697 75.5609 121.697 75.7594 c
+121.697 78.2456 l
+122.23 78.2456 l
+124.969 78.2904 m
+125.497 78.2904 l
+125.497 76.6965 l
+127.181 76.6965 l
+127.181 78.2904 l
+127.708 78.2904 l
+127.708 74.3562 l
+127.181 74.3562 l
+127.181 76.169 l
+125.497 76.169 l
+125.497 74.3562 l
+124.969 74.3562 l
+124.969 78.2904 l
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+ Authors:\\
+ Tim Englich$<$$>$\\
+ Hans Plum $<$$>$\\
+ Sascha Teichmann $<$$>$\\
+ Intevation GmbH,\\
+ Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany\\
+ Tel: ++49 541 33 50 83 - 0 \\
+ \end{flushleft}