- MainValuesArtifact: Use RangeAccess.getLocations instead of FLYSUtils.getLocations.2013-01-23, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added tag 2.9.8 for changeset 88014b9852d02013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed obsolete imports and dead code.2.9.8 2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Use isDebugEnabled() in S/Q Measurement factory.2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Insert db connection into riveraxis map files.2013-01-23, by Raimund Renkert
- Merged2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed segments creation in calculation 4.2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged.2013-01-23, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed calculation of effective width in MINFO SQ relation.2013-01-23, by Raimund Renkert
- Ignore constant WQKms in CSV and PDF output.2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Introduced a fake ConstantWQKms class to have type information to only generate w facets for curves which really carry w data.2013-01-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- insert helpText links2013-01-22, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- insert helpText links for minfo and winfo2013-01-22, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- insert helpText for .sq.2013-01-22, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- merge2013-01-22, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- insert helpTexts2013-01-22, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- Fixed type error in Annotation types.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- BedHeightAccess: Use getFrom/getTo.2013-01-21, by Felix Wolfsteller
- RangeAccess: Doc and debug.2013-01-21, by Felix Wolfsteller
- BedHeightAccess, FlowVelocityAccess, SedimentLoadAccess: Inherit from RangeAccess.2013-01-21, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeAccess, RangeAccess and callers: Refactored, moved getStep to RangeAccess.2013-01-21, by Felix Wolfsteller
- BedHeightQualityAccess, RangeAccess: Refactored, moved getFrom/To to RangeAccess.2013-01-21, by Felix Wolfsteller
- merge2013-01-21, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- insert new helpTexts, delete helpText for Transition2013-01-21, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- Moved NaN removal code from W to DoubleUtil. Create QKms when calculating the 'Umhuellende'.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Use QKMs in calculation of the 'Umhuellende'.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- changing helpText static URL to id2013-01-21, by Bettina Gruenbauer
- Added QKms model.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed trailing whitespace.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed obsolete import.2013-01-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- merged.2013-01-20, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed MINFO SQ calculation.2013-01-20, by Raimund Renkert
- Bring Access pattern to "W fuer ungleichwertige Abflusslaengsschnitte".2013-01-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed XPath injection!2013-01-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add rivermap.xml with sample configuration and adapt MapInfoService to use rivermap data instead of floodmap for rivermap.2013-01-17, by Christian Lins
- Bugs in generated RiverAxis Mapfile fixed. Now the river axes are drawn by the WMS.2013-01-16, by Christian Lins
- Comment added.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- QualityMesurementFactory: Added vim-line.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- BedQualityCalculation: Added vim-line.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Comment/doc.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Implement linear cascading distance measurements.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Renamed lastPointIdx() to getLastPointIdx().2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Cosmetics, whitespace, TODO resolved, logging improved.2013-01-16, by Felix Wolfsteller
- MapInfoService now submits layer names as well as WMS urls.2013-01-15, by Christian Lins
- Added missing InfoldingColumns.java2013-01-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Trivial typo in selecting infolding columns.2013-01-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added calculation of the "Umhuellende" to calculation of "W fuer ungleichwertige Abfluesse".2013-01-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- A naive algorithm to figure out the "Umhuellende" of a set of WQKms.2013-01-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added intersectsQRange to QRangeTree to check if a given Q range intersects the Qs of the tree. Useful for 'Umhuellende'. TODO make check depend on km range.2013-01-12, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Small code cleanups in S/Q outlier tests.2013-01-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- MINFO: Allow two methods for outlier test in SQ relation.2013-01-11, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed facet activities.2013-01-09, by Raimund Renkert
- DA66Parser: Added TODOs about riveraxis.2013-01-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Added doc, removed TODO, whitespace cosmetics.2013-01-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Hide lines in SQ relation charts.2013-01-09, by Raimund Renkert
- Create and add sieves regardless of the the order of diameter/value.2013-01-09, by Raimund Renkert
- DA50Parser: Doc, removed and added a TODO.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- TIMParser: Removed TODO about switching to log4j .2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- TIMParser: Switch to log4j instead of System.err .2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- CrossSectionApp: Doc and whitespace cosmetics.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA50Parser: Added very basic DA50 parsing (no intersetions or correlation yet2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA50Parser: Fix c/p errors.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ImportRiver: Trigger basic (useless) da50 parsing.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ImportRiver: Bail out if skip* parameters were given.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA50Parser: Changed extension from w80 (wrong) to d50 (right).2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ImportRiver: Use callback (refactoring), resolving TODOs.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ImportRiver: Add helper implementation of a CrossSectionParserCallback.2013-01-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Return null if no year set to behave like other parsers and avoid2013-01-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- !!! FLYS backend schema change !!! Add column bfg_id column to discharge_tables.2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Do the pairing of FLYS and AFT discharge tables by the field 'ABFLUSSTAFEL.BFG_ID' in2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Moved check for calculation range intersection to SQL statement.2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added after login SQL statements for database connection. Can be used to alter the current schema to avoid naming clashes.2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Sorted imports.2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Simplified code.2013-01-05, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- DateGuesser: Take current year modulo 100 if compare it with a two digit year value. Removed auto boxing.2013-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Do not die in W80 parser id invalid date is given.2013-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Move distance calculation to Coordinate class. Use inheritance instead of composition in Anchor class. Made Anchor class static. Use epsilon equal comparision when checking for same station: Boy, do you ever learn that sharp equal comparison of doubles is not a clever idea!?2013-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- ImportRiver: Added w80 and hook for da50 parsing (not implemented).2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add SKIP_DA50 and SKIP_W80 flags.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- README: Add instruction to do a simple standalone DateGuesser execution.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DateGuesser: doc.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DateGuesser: Added and handle DDMMYY pattern.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Use DateGuesser to set a date.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Added field to store a date.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Doc.2013-01-04, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Comment code that is not (yet?) used by FLYS.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Respect (ignore) 'shore' field of w80 files.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Whitespace-cosmetics and comment.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Remove unneeded code.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Correct c&p stuff in comments (da66->w80).2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- AFT: Reject AFT gauges which are not inside the calculation range of the corresponding FLYS river.2013-01-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fetch calculation range (Berechnungsstrecke) for FLYS rivers, too.2013-01-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed null comparison where also instanceof is used.2013-01-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- W80Parser: Added TODO/comment.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Actually add points while parsing w80 file.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: addPoint and lastIdx functions to add a point and find last points index.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Coordinate: Introduce getters for x/y.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- W80Parser: Put infrastructure for an anchor point in place.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Handle coding convention that was introduced to overcome fixed2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Remove commented code.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Conffig: Prepare skip_da50 and skip_w80 options.2013-01-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2013-01-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2013-01-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added 'type' attribute to <dc:variable/> element. If an optional 'type' attribute is given2013-01-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add "maptype" parameter to MapInfoService.2013-01-02, by Christian Lins
- Little work on the RiverMapfileGenerator.2013-01-02, by Christian Lins
- Add <dc:variable name="variable" expr="xpath"/> construct to datacage language.2013-01-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Remove trailing whitespace.2013-01-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Moved EpsilonComparator to utils package becaus its not only useful for TIM parsing. Used EpsilonComparator in DA60 and DA66 case. Maybe TODO: Use in PRF, too.2013-01-01, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed x-bit from DateGuesser.java2012-12-30, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed superfluous imports.2012-12-30, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Initial version of support files for TIMParser, comments and TODOs by Felix Wolfsteller, Code by Sascha Teichmann.2012-12-28, by Sascha Teichmann
- Initial version of TIMParser, comments and TODOs by Felix Wolfsteller, Code by Sascha Teichmann.2012-12-28, by Sascha Teichmann
- Initial empty version of DA50Parser.2012-12-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Removed removeExtension implementations, which have been moved to FileTools,2012-12-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Initial empty version of W80Parser.2012-12-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Scale x and y, as they are given in mm. Now we can actually look at the data!2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Do not return a 'year' for measurement, as none is given.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- TODO added.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ImportRiver: Refactoring, use description and year of da66parser.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Whitespace cosmetics.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Use filename without extension as description for cross section.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- LineParser: Make file name available to subclasses.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Try to guess whether station is given in km or in cm.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Improved logging.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DA66Parser: Removed unused function.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation of DA66Parser.2012-12-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Adjust callbacks after Parsers new interface implementation, re-enable file hashing for da66s.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Implement new CrossSectionParser interface.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- New CrossSectionParser interface.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Include improved DA66Parser into importer.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added new parameter SKIP_DA66S to importer.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Importer: Emit log message when a dry run was run.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation added.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation added.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Changed naming of variables (i & j -> i & k) for readability.2012-12-19, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Work on Generator.2012-12-18, by Christian Lins
- Fix typo in class names and correct file path in floodmap.xml.2012-12-17, by Christian Lins
- Added tag 2.9.7 for changeset 0ba0f3e4f4c22012-12-17, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged2.9.7 2012-12-17, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed unneeded imports.2012-12-17, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed and updated theme configurations.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed NPE in empty style editor window.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Rename methods and mark them private2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Use isEmpty for list check2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Change only local used methods to private ones2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Change parameters of updateCollectionName2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Rename filter into filterpanel2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Fix filtering of Collections/Projects in the gui2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Use display name of the Collection in CollectionView2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Add a Collection method to return a string to be displayed in the gui2012-12-17, by Björn Ricks
- Added i18n strings.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Display all 'tranparency' attributes.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed and improved theme handling for areas.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated fixing and virutal area themes.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed out processor to draw sector averages in fix analysis ls.2012-12-17, by Raimund Renkert
- Reverted smartGWT version from 3.1 to 3.0.2012-12-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added second theme config files.2012-12-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Less than sceleton for DA66-CrossSection parser added.2012-12-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Whitespace-cosmetics.2012-12-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Hide facets returning raw data and fixed display name.2012-12-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added i18n strings.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Added theme mapping for new facets.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Generate and draw new facets.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new facets for filtered bed height diffs to have filtered and raw data.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Added i18n strings.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Added theme mapping for new facets and added theme for discharge.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Generate new facets to have raw and filtered data in flow velocity chart.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Added facet for filtered flow velocity and removed filter from default facet.2012-12-13, by Raimund Renkert
- Refactored the themes config files (currently only default style).2012-12-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Reordered some attributes in editor ui and use the hidden attribute.2012-12-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Read and use the hidden hint correctly.2012-12-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Added i18n strings for style editor.2012-12-12, by Raimund Renkert
- Fix logging statments and use correct class name2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Codeformat++2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Move loading of the full Collection to an own method2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Add new method hasItems to Collection class2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Create a Collection if an artifact is added to the CollectionView2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Don't create Collection when a CollectionView for a new project is created2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Remove unused import2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Introduce river mapfile generation (WARNING: Changes in config xml files required!).2012-12-11, by Christian Lins
- Move the access to artifact data to the Access object2012-12-11, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor Mapserver mapfile generation.2012-12-08, by Christian Lins
- CrossSectionGenerator: Center HYK-labels.2012-12-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WINFOArtifact: Tiny optimization, get data only when needed.2012-12-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added view for selecting ranges in wsts.2012-12-06, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- XYChartGenerator: Avoid "range merging" for area series, as these might extend2012-12-06, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2012-12-05, by Christian Lins
- Work on river axis mapfile generator.2012-12-05, by Christian Lins
- Add stubs for GaugeAccess and RangeAccess, for they do not get lost.2012-12-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Prevent NPE when color for bandwidth is unset, use non-template default.2012-12-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-12-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Enable manual points for w difference diagrams.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Adjusted y axis label.2012-12-05, by Raimund Renkert
- Multiplicate diameter with 1000 to have mm instead of m.2012-12-05, by Raimund Renkert
- Improve the up and down arrows in the theme navigation panel2012-12-04, by Björn Ricks
- Fixed imports.2012-12-04, by Raimund Renkert
- Use moving average algorithm to calculate average values depending on the zoom2012-12-04, by Raimund Renkert
- Put start and end km into the context for average calculation.2012-12-04, by Raimund Renkert
- Added methods to set single values.2012-12-04, by Raimund Renkert
- Added missing setter for different values.2012-12-04, by Raimund Renkert
- Deprecate FLYSUtils2012-12-04, by Björn Ricks
- Use new refreshed bfg logo2012-12-04, by Björn Ricks
- Preparations for autogenerated riveraxis WMSs.2012-12-04, by Christian Lins
- Make floodmap riveraxis layer name configurable.2012-12-04, by Christian Lins
- A little optimization and handle the case that there are duplicates in the values.2012-12-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Moved MovingAverage into math package2012-12-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed obsolete import2012-12-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed validation in parameter matrix panel. Single selections are allowed now.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Add start and end km of current chart zoomlevel to the context and use these2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- New class for average calculation implementing moving average algorithms.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Generate flow velocity facets based on the type the user selected.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Set the discharge zone type to be able to generate the appropriate facets.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added member variable for discharge zone type.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new member variable for zone type.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Extracted method to calculate the zoomed bound of a chart.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Added example config for river 'Elbe' and read the config in context factory.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- New class storing configuration about zoom dependent filter levels.2012-12-03, by Raimund Renkert
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix reference curve creation.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix differences/Waterlevelartifact.2012-12-03, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Change floodmap WMS paths in make_flys_release.2012-12-01, by Christian Lins
- Add pdf export to GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Fix: Don't show the warning if datatype is WQKms2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Remove obsolete MainMenu2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add new CSS for the layout changes2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add a welcome screen to the workspace background2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add i18n message strings for a welcome screen2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Hide the manage project button if the project list is shown2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add methods to hide and show the manage projects button of the header2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Use the FLYSHeader instead of the MainMenu2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Merge the MainMenu into the FLYSHeader2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add methods to hide and show the project list in FLYS class2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add path for the new small BfG logo2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- Add smaller BfG logo2012-11-30, by Björn Ricks
- meta-data.xml: Moved 'map' definitions to more appropriate place.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Resolved discharge_longitudinal_section definitions and use2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Moved duration-curve definitions into more appropriate places.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Added 'prototype-macro for longitudinal_sections.2012-11-30, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Doc.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Use floating point calculation for floodmap colors.2012-11-30, by Christian Lins
- Floodmap can now be classified in the range 5 to 20 (incl.).2012-11-29, by Christian Lins
- Doc.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add ManualPoint-handling to SQRelationGenerator.doOut().2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation added.2012-11-29, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Allow manual points in bedheight_longitudinal_sections.2012-11-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Enable manual points for s/q diagrams.2012-11-28, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add the csv export to the GaugeDischargeCurveArtifact2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor ComputedDischargeCurveExporter to support WQKms values and WQKms arrays2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Use constant from DischargeTables for the scaling factor2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor getting the WQKms into it's own method2012-11-27, by Björn Ricks
- Doc.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Allow manual points in flow_velocity diagrams.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Enable manual points in sedimentload ls.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- Work on dynamic color classes for floodmap (work in progress, not yet functional).2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- Merged.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix flys/issue989: manual points in bedheight_middle outs.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- flys-client: Shapefile upload widget readded again (regression).2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- flys-client: Patch to render combobox options as clickable links.2012-11-27, by Christian Lins
- i18n fix.2012-11-27, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix FLYS logo URL for printing.2012-11-20, by Christian Lins
- flys-client: Map.updateSize() is now called on every windows movement2012-11-20, by Christian Lins
- Workaround for NPE in FloodMapState.2012-11-20, by Christian Lins
- flys-client: Cosmetics and warnings.2012-11-19, by Christian Lins
- flys/client: Exception catched and replaced by friendly warning (MINFO Sohlhoehendifferenz) #967/flys.2012-11-18, by Christian Lins
- Added tag 2.9.6 for changeset ce6bea03156c2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add help anchors for fix analysis2.9.6 2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- More solid S/Q function sampling2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Exchange the river selection map2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Remove obsolete imports2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Add i18n for the new close project list button2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Add css for the project list changes2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Add a small close and add project button to the project list header2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Remove the new project button from the menue2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Get rid of the footer and the spacer in the flys webpage2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Add GaugeOverview to Fixanalysis2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Adapt WMS URLs in floodmap.xml to user-wms.2012-11-16, by Christian Lins
- Merged2012-11-16, by Christian Lins
- Map view in DigitizePanel now shows OSM background, river axis and2012-11-16, by Christian Lins
- merged2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed obsolete imports.2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed obsolete import2012-11-16, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Allow requests from localhost in GGInA filter2012-11-16, by Björn Ricks
- Added i18n strings for sediment load calculation.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- New themes for sediment load chart.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- New field in sediment load object and calculation.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- New doOut for total load in sediment load calculation.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new facet type to sediment load calculation.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Removed some debug logs and changed report strings.2012-11-15, by Raimund Renkert
- Merged2012-11-15, by Christian Lins
- MapPanel position and size now properly aligned (#568).2012-11-15, by Christian Lins
- Add i18n string for soundings width in flys client2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Handle also the bedheight facet in minfo bedheight_middle output2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Load bedheigt single values via the datacage for a bedheight middle output2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Handle also sounding width generated via the datacage in MiddleBedHeightGenerator2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Implement a BedheightProcessor to generate charts from bed height data2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor BedHeightArtifacts to provide bed height single values of a range2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Add type member variable to BedHeightFacet2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Add method to get all morph width of a BedHeigthSingle object2012-11-15, by Björn Ricks
- Merged2012-11-15, by Christian Lins
- Map is now properly resized when hiding ThemePanel.2012-11-15, by Christian Lins
- Fixed typo in debug message.2012-11-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- MetaDataService: Added comment from ChangeLog.2012-11-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Documentation.2012-11-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Cosmetics.2012-11-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Cosmetics.2012-11-15, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Fix MapFish print config and add FLYS logo to print output (DIN A4 only).2012-11-14, by Christian Lins
- Parse and store year in sediment densities.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new column 'year' to sediment density values in postgresql and oracle2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Completed and fixed sediment load calculation.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added objects and factory for sediment densities.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added new y axis label for m3/a unit and fixed sand fraction output.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Add report facet if calculation had problems.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added logger and fixed data field checkup.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed SQL statements and parameters.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Fix: Handle epochs like official epochs to get a year range.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added methods to sediment load object to check fractions.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed typo in total sediment load facet type.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Added report output generator for sediment load calculation.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Additional transitions and outs for MINFO sediment load calculation.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Merged.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- fixanalysis.xml: Add cross_section out.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixRealizingCompute: Add CrossSectionWaterLineFacet in FixRealizingState.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixationArtifact: implement WaterLineArtifact, deliver lines for cross-sections.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- QSectorFacet: Guard access to curentKm in context.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- CrossSectionWaterLineFacet: Guard class cast.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WINFOArtifact: cosmetics, respect 80c width.2012-11-14, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed typo in make_release script.2012-11-14, by Raimund Renkert
- Fix compile2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Fix also BedHeightsArtifact2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Also use variable for displayname2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Improve debugging while merging outs and facets2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Improve debugging in StaticFLYSArtifact2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Change facets member variable to private2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Add method to return the facets of an artifact2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Improve loggin in FLYSArtifact2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Fix hard coded mapserver url2012-11-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed path to client logging2012-11-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Merged2012-11-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed problem with mapserver fonts2012-11-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add stack trace if authentication was not successfull2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Return after sending a redirect2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Check if response code from GGInA is 200 OK2012-11-14, by Björn Ricks
- Fixed web.xml seding2012-11-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added tag 2.9.5 for changeset b51f6bb188d72012-11-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Made REALEASE setable2.9.5 2012-11-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Improved build script2012-11-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Cosmetics: Removed some WSP, obsolete imports. Documentation added.2012-11-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2012-11-13, by Christian Lins
- Add new FLYS logo.2012-11-13, by Christian Lins
- winfo.xml: Add cross-section facets and out to extreme state.2012-11-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WINFOArtifact: Compute extreme values for cross sections too. Add CS-Facet.2012-11-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WaterLineArtifact: Added callcontext-parameter to interfaces getWaterLine.2012-11-13, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Remove dead code and warnings.2012-11-13, by Christian Lins
- Try to fix resize problems with MapWidget in DigitizePanel (#802).2012-11-12, by Christian Lins
- Resize MapWidget in MapPanel manually using a ResizedHandler.2012-11-12, by Christian Lins
- Map print settings can now be configured via settings window.2012-11-11, by Christian Lins
- Map print does now submit additional parameters to MapPrintServiceImpl.2012-11-10, by Christian Lins
- Work (in progress) on a print settings dialog.2012-11-10, by Christian Lins
- Rmoved obsolete imports.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- i18n: Add i18n for flow-velovity discharges.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- minfo.xml: Add discharge facet to compat list of flow_velocity out.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityGenerator: Handle new discharge curves at new third axis.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityData: Add new helper to get km/Q-double-arrays.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityState: Create new discharge facet.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FacetTypes: Register new FLOW_VELOCITY_DISCHARGE type.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- For FlowV.-Artifacts, use given id, fetch data and display via facet and generator.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityMeasurementFactory: New, do the query to fetch measured flow velocities.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityMeasurementValue: Added 'fast' (db-unmapped) class to access values later.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Whitespace cosmetics.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Whitespace cosmetic.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- BedHeightArtifact: Whitespace-cosmetic and vim line.2012-11-09, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityGenerator: Dummy-handle new measured velocity facets.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityGenerator: Added TODO about 3rd and 4th axis.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Register new FLOW_VELOCITY_MEASUREMENT Facet Type.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Add annotations and flow velocity measurements to the DC.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Register flowvelocity artifact factory.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add new facet to flow velocity outs compat list.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add FlowVelocityMeasurementArtifact and -facet. Yet dummies.2012-11-08, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Use static variable for login page name in LoginServlet2012-11-08, by Björn Ricks
- Be sure that a redirect url always exist2012-11-08, by Björn Ricks
- Add datacage for minfo and longitudinal_section.w from fixanalysis2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Use new WOutProcessor for generating charts2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Add processor to be able to generate curves for WKms values2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Remove AbstractFixGenerator and use new KMIndexProcessor instead2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Move inverted from LongitudinalSectionGenerator to XYChartGenerator2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Add method to a access the CallContext of a ChartGenerator2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Introduce a new Interface to abstract the data to curve generation2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Introduce a new FixingsFacet to add save access to the current Km2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Fix logging statement2012-11-07, by Björn Ricks
- Remove whitespace added by eclipse2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Fix: Use correct class for the logger2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Don't notify jfreechart listeners when adding points2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Only put current Km to the context if it is a valid km2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Reintroduce wrongly outbacked changes (rev 4418-4425).2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged backouts.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Backed out changeset e8a4d2fd25cc2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Backed out changeset e8a4d2fd25cc2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added vim line.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of sedimentload_ls out.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Force-recommend annotations for sedimentload_ls outs.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadFactory: Added vim-line.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadFactory: Added TODO.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- SedimentLoadFactory: Changed comments, removed empty one.2012-11-07, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Add (currently useless) button for map print settings.2012-11-06, by Christian Lins
- Remove authentication from MapPrintServiceImpl.2012-11-06, by Christian Lins
- Move GGInAFilter and NoCacheFilter to an own package2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Add config in web.xml for the new NoCacheFilter2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Add new Filter class to change caching2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Add javadoc comment about RiverInfoServiceImpl2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- Less debug output in GGInAFilter2012-11-06, by Björn Ricks
- FixationArtifact: In doc, mention where the FacetActivity is registered.2012-11-06, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCalculation: Resolve probably too nested break.2012-11-06, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCalculation: Doc.2012-11-06, by Felix Wolfsteller
- manualpoints.xml: Add facet for the extrene_wq_curve out.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FacetTypes: Add new ChartType extreme_wq_curve to enable manual points.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FLYSUtils: Null-guard some conditionals (autoboxes).2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WaterevelState: Doc.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCompute: Further naming improvements on facets.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Fixed typo in debug output.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Removed obsolete import.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- server-side i18n for inputs of extreme*. Newlines at end of file.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- winfo.xml: Add wst and pdf Facets to extremes compat list.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCompute: Add DataFacets (csv, wst, defunc pdf).2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WaterlevelExporter: Use new WQKmsResult to avoid parallel paths for Extrem- and Fixing-Result.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCompute: Whitespace-cosmetics.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Improve debugging inf FLYSArtifact2012-11-05, by Björn Ricks
- Get rid of HorizontalLayout in MapOutputTab and use manual resizing.2012-11-05, by Christian Lins
- Let Extreme- and FixRealizingResult implement WQKmsResult.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- conf.xml: Register the extreme_curve_export generator, a WaterlevelExporter.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- winfo.xml: Add extreme_curve_export outputmode and csv facet to its compat list.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- WQKmsResult: New interface to ease Export.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- conf.xml: Register the extreme_curve_report-Out-Generator.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- winfo.xml: Add error ('report') outputmode to extreme_wq_curve out, and compat for reportfacet.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FlowVelocityGenerator: Handle ('out') annotations.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- minfo.xml: Add annotations to compat list of flow-velocity outs.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- meta-data.xml: Force-recommend annotations for flow-velocity-outs.2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Merged2012-11-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- i18n for showextramark in client.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Respect theme prop about showing the extrapol-line.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ThemeUtil: Method to parse/access showextramark theme prop.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Removed more or less dead code.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Use real facet description as name for data series of extreme wqs.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added tag flys-2.9.4 for changeset 10e277c2fe0f2012-11-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Some fixes to make the calculation work.flys-2.9.4 2012-11-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added tag flys-2.9.4 for changeset 651b93c10dc52012-11-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed superfluous imports.2012-11-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed superfluous imports.2012-11-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Converting from list to array doesn't make sence here2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Add facets for fixanalysis data from the datacage2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Add datacage logic for MINFO bed differences2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Add chart generation for fixings in bed differences generators2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Extract common generator method from FixLongitudinalSectionGenerator2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Avoid NullPointerExceptions if no settings are available2012-11-02, by Björn Ricks
- Updated i18n strings for sediment load.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added chart generator for sediment load output.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added sediment load calculation.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- New facet and result set for sediment load.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added access object for artifact containing sediment load parameters.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Updated data object and factory for sediment load.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Added i18n string for sediment load output tab title.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Fixed sediment yield parser.2012-11-02, by Raimund Renkert
- Even better Extreme W/Q Facet names. i18n thereof.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Registered style for extreme_wq_base_curves.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- StyledSeriesBuilder: Corrected doc.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- StyledSeriesBuilder: New addPointsQW accepting double[]s.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FLYSUtils: Minor doc add.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeWQCurveGenerator: Reuse prerpareChartData, handle new extreme_wq_curve_base facet.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixWQCurveGenerator: Refac, extracted a prepareChartData from doOut, to be reused.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCompute: Create a facet to show the non-inter-or-extrapolated points.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- winfo.xml: Add new extreme_wq_curve_base to compat of extreme_wq_curve out.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCurveFacet: Add new constructor to set name to new FacetType (extreme_wq_curve_base). Data is the same.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FacetTypes: New type: exreme_wq_curve_base (for the Stuetz-Q-Poits).2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCompute: Improve naming of facets.2012-11-02, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added missing percentage cut off in extreme calculation.2012-11-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Circumvent NPE in Curve. issue flys/10192012-11-02, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Ignore comments in meta data xml template2012-11-01, by Björn Ricks
- Refactor Converter to use common code2012-11-01, by Björn Ricks
- Doc.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- flys-client: Show NaviOutput-Tab also for extreme_wq_curve.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- flys-client: i18n for extreme_wq_curve.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- winfo.xml: Change extreme wq-out from fix_wq_curve to (new) extreme_wq_curve.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- conf.xml: Register new ExtremeWQCurveGenerator.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Removed doExtreme*() as its implemented in own generator now, opened visibility of field artifact for refac.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added new Generator: ExtremeWQCurveGenerator (and its *Info*-counterpart).2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Removed obsolete imports.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Removed obsolete imports.2012-11-01, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixWQCurveGenerator: Use suggested max q value of curve.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added themes for extreme_wq_curve .2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- DoubleUtil: New function to find max in an double array.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- FixWQCurveGenerator: For extreme_wq_curves, add marker to indicate where extrapolation starts.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCurveFacet: Moved allocation of Access object to where its needed.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- HistoricalD.WQ.Generator: Cometics, docs.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- ExtremeCurveFacet: Set suggestedMaxQ in curve to be max value in segment + 5%.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Curve: Added field, getter and setter for suggestedMaxQ .2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Range: Documentation.2012-10-31, by Felix Wolfsteller