view app/view/kommentare/Create.js @ 271:11f8a2c1b610

Added Cancel Button to all Windows. Changed order howthe form is initialized. Now the form could hide the buttuns in the parent window depending on the readonly flag.
author Torsten Irländer <>
date Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:03:38 +0200
parents 89e331978e33
children 1e4f0c42369c
line wrap: on
line source
Ext.define('Lada.view.kommentare.Create', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias: 'widget.kommentarecreate',

    title: 'Maske für Kommentare',
    // Make size of the dialog dependend of the available space.
    // TODO: Handle resizing the browser window.
    autoShow: true,
    autoScroll: true,
    modal: true,

    requires: [
    initComponent: function() {
        this.buttons = [
                text: 'Speichern',
                scope: form,
                action: 'save'
                text: 'Abbrechen',
                scope: this,
                handler: this.close,
        var form = Ext.create('Lada.view.kommentare.CreateForm', this.initialConfig);
        this.items = [form];