- Added short documentation for the file timegap_definition.xml.2010-05-10, by Tim Englich
- Done some litte changes in the introduction of the2010-05-10, by Tim Englich
- Moved section Query-configuration to Section Model of Transitions.2010-05-10, by Tim Englich
- Do some Documentstyling. Added Typewriter-Style2010-05-10, by Tim Englich
- Fixed some Mistakes2010-05-10, by Tim Englich
- Fixed some c&p mistakes2010-05-09, by Hans Plum
- Added more chapters in config-manual2010-05-09, by Hans Plum
- Add first part of Documentation of the Sections of conf.xml2010-05-07, by Tim Englich
- Added first Structure for the Documentation of File conf.xml. Added Documentation for Systemproperties2010-05-07, by Tim Englich
- Added separat LaTex-File for the Documentation of the general settings.2010-05-07, by Tim Englich
- Answerd Questions and increase some Sections of the Documentation2010-05-07, by Tim Englich
- Added some more FIXMEs for explaining in the doc2010-05-07, by Hans Plum
- Some general questions/FIXMEs2010-05-07, by Hans Plum
- Added some FIXMEs where questions arose.2010-05-07, by Hans Plum
- fixed a compile error in admin manual2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- clean up and admin-manual/README for orientation2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Adapted name of gnv-wrapper to clearify function2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Clean up2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Unified naming of artefact to artifact2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Unified naming of artefact to artifact2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Finalized documentation with references, unifying tools, adding logos.2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Added a specialized Makefile2010-05-06, by Hans Plum
- Removed sections that were not tested2010-05-05, by Hans Plum
- Improved artifact, webclient and operations section2010-05-05, by Hans Plum
- Fixed some typos. Do some document-styling2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added Sample calls for creating an FIS2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added Example for adding a new Product to a FIS2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added Example for adding a Artifact for the FIS with no Products2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added Example for adding a new FIS to the REST-Server2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added listing of all supported OutputStates2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added MarineFeatures as Subtype of ESRI ArcMarineBSH2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Added description for Configuration of InputValue of States2010-05-04, by Tim Englich
- Fixed compilation error2010-05-04, by Hans Plum
- Added overview of the subject-sepcific configuration and its file structure2010-05-04, by Hans Plum
- Added Mapping between the Configuration an the shown Objects in the2010-05-03, by Tim Englich
- Added description for Configuration of OutputStates and OutputModes2010-05-03, by Tim Englich
- Added description fpr Configuration of Products, States and Transitions2010-05-03, by Tim Englich
- Added the first descriptions of the Configuration of Artifact-Factories, Artifacts representing a FIS and the Products which can be configured to the different FIS.2010-04-30, by Tim Englich
- Added first Part of Documentation for Section Model of Transitions2010-04-30, by Tim Englich
- Integrated Structure and basic File for LaTex-Documents for the Config-Manual2010-04-30, by Tim Englich
- Added a first draft for a config manual for artifact server2010-04-30, by Hans Plum
- Added a test-guideline for the entire GNV-system2010-04-28, by Hans Plum
- renaming structure to english names2010-04-28, by Hans Plum
- Moved all admin-manual specific files in new directory admin-manual2010-04-28, by Hans Plum
- Moved content to trunk2010-04-28, by Hans Plum
- merged geo-backend/1.02012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Summarized changes, created NEWS, Changes for the upcoming release.2010-04-28, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Removed trailing whitespace.2010-04-28, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Integrated Testcase for testing the Basefunctionality of the CacheCleaner2010-04-20, by Tim Englich
- Integrated a CacheCleaner that will cleanup the SQL-Cache if necessary2010-04-20, by Tim Englich
- Using unix line endings only.2010-04-18, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed trailing whitespace.2010-04-17, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added more JavaDoc2010-04-13, by Tim Englich
- Added more JavaDoc2010-04-13, by Tim Englich
- Modified some JavaDoc so that the Warnings that where caused by mistakes are removed.2010-04-13, by Tim Englich
- Modified some JavaDoc so that the Warnings that where caused by mistakes are removed.2010-04-13, by Tim Englich
- Added package description with text 'DOCUMENT ME!'.2010-03-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Bring @author javadoc tags in form '@author <a href="">John Doe</a>'2010-03-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Ordered imports. Removed empty headers.2010-03-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removes trailing whitespace.2010-03-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann